Monday, November 25, 2024

Critical Thinking, Part 1 - Problem Solving - The Important First Step

By Tim Gamble

This is the first in a series of articles on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. 

The first step - the most important step - in problem solving is recognizing that there is a problem. If you cannot, or will not, recognize a problem, you will never be able to solve it. This sounds simple, but it is where many people fail. 

There are a lot of reasons why people fail to recognize problems. Here are some types of folks who fail at this most important first step:

The Distracted - Most folks today are distracted by things like their jobs, paying the bills, raising the kids, watching their favorite reality TV show, or playing doodle-jump on their I-Phone. When distracted, it is easy to not notice, or simply ignore, the problems and even dangers that may be lurking around you. 

The Fear-Bound - Some problems are scary. therefore some people simply refuse to think about those problems. Or they will deny that it could ever happen. Or they will say something along the lines of "If X does happen, we are all going to be dead anyway," and simply refuse to admit there is anything that can be done to deal that problem. In part, this is because modern society teaches people to emote, rather than to think. Our feelings rule us, rather than our reason. 

The Slothful - Let' face it, some people are just plain lazy. They don't want to do anything that is difficult, uncomfortable, or painful (physically or otherwise). They are addicted to comfort, to good times, to fun, to luxury. These folks don't want to see problems that may disturb their lifestyle of ease, so they don't. 

The Sheeple - Sheeple look to others to solve our problems for us. Sheeple often don't recognize approaching problems because, to them, that is the job of government, authorities, and other experts. It is not their responsibility, so they rest easy knowing that the Government protects them. Worse, the sheeple blindly follow "official" advice no matter what. 

Blinded by Ideology - Many people are so brainwashed by their ideology that they refuse to see or accept anything that is contrary to their beliefs. In fact, they often demand "safe spaces" where they will never even be exposed to any contrary opinion or inconvenient fact. Some will even demand that people be "cancelled" for holding different opinions and beliefs. 

Whistling Past the Graveyard - Some people actually see a problem, but they simply don't know what to do about it. They don't know how to solve it themselves, or they simply aren't motivated to find out on their own. So, they ignore the problem, and hope it simply goes away on its own.

Take an honest look at yourself. Which of these categories do you fit? In order to survive what is coming, you need to be a problem solver. Even if nothing bad ever comes, to be really successful at life you still need to be a problem solver. The most important first step is being able and willing to see problems. Get out of your comfort zone, and recognize all the problems and potential problems you are up against. Then start to handle them. You can do it! 

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Amazon Link) - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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