Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What's Really Happening in North Carolina | Hurricane Helene

Per Bear's request to promote this video, especially the info that starts at about the 15 minute mark. YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHJGuPC6bgM

As with all news and information, consider the source, think rationally not emotionally, pay attention to what is actually being said, and don't jump to conclusions or make assumptions. 

Dystopian Survival is Tim Gamble's other website, which focuses on self-reliance, survival, resilience, preparedness, and building  community, in order to survive our dystopian future (which has arrived!). It is more concerned with helping people survive modern threats (world wars, economic collapse, and a technocratic police state, for three examples) rather than surviving bear attacks and getting lost in the woods. Dystopian Survival currently has over 650 articles on a wide variety of topics. Please check it out! 

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