Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What's Really Happening in North Carolina | Hurricane Helene

Per Bear's request to promote this video, especially the info that starts at about the 15 minute mark. YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHJGuPC6bgM

As with all news and information, consider the source, think rationally not emotionally, pay attention to what is actually being said, and don't jump to conclusions or make assumptions. 

Dystopian Survival is Tim Gamble's other website, which focuses on self-reliance, survival, resilience, preparedness, and building  community, in order to survive our dystopian future (which has arrived!). It is more concerned with helping people survive modern threats (world wars, economic collapse, and a technocratic police state, for three examples) rather than surviving bear attacks and getting lost in the woods. Dystopian Survival currently has over 650 articles on a wide variety of topics. Please check it out! 

Dept. of Defense Sued for Details of Labeling Right to Life Groups as Terrorists

By Tim Gamble
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link) 

The following is an unedited press release by Judicial Watch, dated October 15, 2024.

10-15-2024  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for details of U.S. Army training materials that designate pro-life organizations or individuals as “terrorists” (Judicial Watch Inc. v U.S. Department of Defense (No 1:24-cv-02895).

Judicial Watch filed suit in the District Court for the District of Columbia after the Department of the Army failed to respond to an August 13, 2024, FOIA request for:

  • All emails of Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, Under Secretary Gabe Camarillo, Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George, and/or Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James Mingus regarding the designation of pro-life groups or individuals as “terrorists.”

Judicial Watch made a subsequent FOIA request to Special Command Operations, U.S. Army Reserve, Fort Liberty, NC, a component of the Army, for:

  • Records related to the designation of the National Right to Life Committee or any other pro-life organization as “terrorists” in anti-terrorism training materials used by Fort Liberty.
  • All emails of Garrison Commander Col. John Wilcox regarding the designation of pro-life groups as “terrorists” in Army training material.

A photo reportedly circulating on social media shows one slide from a presentation used to train soldiers. The slide, titled “Terrorist Groups,” lists several groups, including National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, and “opponents of Roe v. Wade.” The Army responded to the news report, saying the material had not been vetted correctly. 

“Let’s be blunt – the radical leftist Biden-Harris administration is trying to set our military against conservative American citizens,” Judicial Watch Tom Fitton said. “And that we have had to sue after being denied basic records about the Army’s targeting of pro-life Christians makes the scandal worse.”


Dystopian Survival is Tim Gamble's other website, which focuses on self-reliance, survival, resilience, preparedness, and building  community, in order to survive our dystopian future (which has arrived!). It is more concerned with helping people survive modern threats (world wars, economic collapse, and a technocratic police state, for three examples) rather than surviving bear attacks and getting lost in the woods. Dystopian Survival currently has over 650 articles on a wide variety of topics. Please check it out! 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Get Radical! Spread the Constitution!

By Tim Gamble
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link) 

Here is a radical idea in today's world: Spread Constitutional Literacy by giving away pocket copies of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It's an idea that I've been promoting (and doing) for many years. 

Pocket Constitutions are available from Amazon (the one pictured here is currently $1.50 each with free shipping for both prime members or when ordering 24 or more). You may also be able to order pocket Constitutions from various political and educational organizations that occasionally offer them for sale. I am an Amazon Affiliate, so ordering them through my links to Amazon will help to support this site in a small way (at no extra cost to you). 

Pocket Constitutions  make great giveaways for:
  • Back-to-School 
  • History and Social Studies Classes
  • Halloween Trick-or-Treat
  • Spring and Fall Festivals
  • Campaign Events and Political Rallies
  • Business Events and Promotions
  • Homeschoolers
  • Scout Troops
  • Churches and Sunday School Classes
  • Bible Study and Prayer Groups
  • Clubs and Civic Organizations
  • "Little Free Libraries" (those boxes in many neighborhoods)

Dystopian Survival is Tim Gamble's other website, which focuses on self-reliance, survival, resilience, preparedness, and building  community, in order to survive our dystopian future (which has arrived!). It is more concerned with helping people survive modern threats (world wars, economic collapse, and a technocratic police state, for three examples) rather than surviving bear attacks and getting lost in the woods. Dystopian Survival currently has over 650 articles on a wide variety of topics. Please check it out! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

U.S. Government’s Involvement in Global Censorship Efforts

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: Free Speech is under attack. Even in the United States, despite the First Amendment to our Constitution. Governments, government agencies, politicians, activists, and even corporations are all trying to curtail Free Speech. The excuses are many, but the bottom line is the control of information, and especially control of the narrative - what people are and are not talking about, and how they are talking about it. Ultimately, control of speech is control of thought, and control of thought is control of the populace. 

Make no mistake. What they are trying to do has nothing to do with making people be polite to each other, stopping "hate" speech or even stopping "misinformation." It is about control. 

The following is an unedited press release from  America First Legal (AFL), dated October 9, 2024. Links are to web pages of the AFL.

10-9-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Agency for International Development for refusing to provide records related to the U.S. government’s involvement in recent global efforts to suppress free speech, specifically the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France and social media censorship in Brazil.

On August 29, 2024, after French authorities detained Mr. Durov and charged him with a host of crimes related to alleged illegal activity on Telegram, AFL launched an investigation to determine the Biden-Harris Administration’s involvement in his arrest.

Telegram, which Mr. Durov founded, is a secure social media and messaging platform with nearly 1 billion users worldwide. If convicted, Mr. Durov faces up to 10 years in prison and a $550,000 fine. 

Given Mr. Durov’s prominence and the implications these charges could have on free speech around the world, there is significant reason to believe that the Biden-Harris Administration may have had advance knowledge of, or even played a role in, Mr. Durov’s arrest.

On September 10, after Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes issued an order blocking Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, AFL launched an investigation to determine the Biden-Harris Administration’s role in social media censorship by Brazil’s government.

Over the past few years, the Brazilian government has increasingly engaged in censorship efforts in an apparent attempt to silence political dissent. Justice Moraes has demanded that X suspend or remove more than 150 accounts of government critics, including conservative members of the federal legislature, members of the judiciary, journalists, a gospel singer, and even a pop radio station — all for allegedly spreading “disinformation.”

Justice Moraes’ order blocking X is a serious escalation in the Brazilian government’s use of censorship to silence critics — and an unprecedented attack on free speech.

Last week, a shocking new report by Michael Shellenberger revealed that U.S. government agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, have been “funding pro-censorship advocacy and advising the Brazilian government on how to engage in censorship.”

On the heels of this report, Justice Moraes lifted the ban on X in Brazil and allowed the social media company to go back online this week.

Government censorship and attacks on free speech are fundamentally anti-American. The American people — and the world — must know if the Biden-Harris Administration supported or coordinated with the Brazilian government to censor an American social media company committed to upholding free speech.

Despite meeting the legal requirements to be granted expedited processing in these investigations, AFL has not received any communications or records from these agencies pertaining to either matter.

AFL will continue working to expose and combat the tyrannical Biden-Harris Administration assault on free speech.  

Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Executive Director:

“The American people have every right to know whether their government and their taxpayer dollars are being used to suppress free speech around the world. The collusive censorship enterprise is well-resourced, well-placed, highly motivated, and willing to do anything to silence viewpoints and voices with which they disagree. We are committed to getting to the bottom of this and will deliver the truth for the American people,” said Gene Hamilton.

Read the complaint here.

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Amazon Link) - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

Appalachia Disaster Update; Grindstone Ministries

The situation in Appalachia, particularly parts of western NC, remains dire. The devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene is massive. There have literally been hundreds of dead bodies recovered so far, with the final death toll expected to potentially be in the thousands by the time all are found. Much of the region, especially parts of western NC, remains largely unsearched. Entire towns have been destroyed. Roads, bridges, and other infrastructure have been destroyed. Some areas are expected to to be without power for six months or more. 

See the Grindstone Ministries YouTube channel for more updates: 

Want to help Appalachia recover from Helene? Consider donating to or volunteering with the folks at Grindstone Ministries. They have "boots on the ground" in Eastern Tennessee and and are also surreptitiously moving some supplies into parts of Western NC. I say "surreptitiously" because FEMA is doing their best to NOT allow supplies and volunteers into western NC that are not under their direct control. It is a bureaucratic nightmare and people are suffering because of it.. Grindstone will be sending more volunteers, supplies and equipment into the region in the coming weeks and months.

Grindstone Ministries - A disaster relief ministry that provides disaster cleanup & construction services and critical materials distribution in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as tornados and hurricanes. Grindstone is largely a volunteer-based ministry that does not charge anyone (victims, insurance companies, or government) for their services. Link = https://grindstoneministries.com/

Monday, October 7, 2024

American History: Angry Old Veteran vs. 700 Redcoats - Samuel Whittemore (by Fat Electrician)

By Tim Gamble

Sadly, Americans are taught very little real history these days. Here is a GREAT American history video by the Fat Electrician (YouTube channel link). Lots of comparisons to be made and lessons to be learned. But for now, enjoy the video (and visit and subscribe to his channel):

Angry Old Veteran vs. 700 Redcoats - Samuel Whittemore

Ad:  Wrangler Cargo Pants (Amazon link) 
- Available in several colors.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Reminder: Voting By Non-Citizens in US Federal Elections Is Illegal

Non-Citizens attempting to vote in November's Presidential election are subject to felony convictions and deportation.

By Tim Gamble

Illegal voting is a crime! Click the images to enlarge and download. Add them to your websites and blogs, or print and distribute. All citizens who are allowed to vote, should. Every non-citizen who illegally votes cancels out the legitimate vote of an American citizen. More information: https://protectthevote.com/

Ad:  Wrangler Cargo Pants (Amazon link) 
- Available in several colors.

Release of Vice Presidential Records Delayed Until Day After Election Day

By Tim Gamble

10-3-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Biden’s lawyers and President Obama’s legal representatives have claimed an extension under the Presidential Records Act, 44 U.S.C. § 2208(a)(3)(B), delaying the public release of records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President, including records relating to Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings, by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

In other words, Biden, Obama, and NARA are concealing these potentially explosive records until the day after the 2024 election, November 6, 2024. More proof of the politicization of the current DOJ.

This is deeply alarming because:

>> The Presidential Records Act typically provides the incumbent President, or the President and Vice President who were in office when the records were created, 60 working days to review and assert claims of constitutionally based privilege over the records before their release. 

>> Accordingly, these records should have been released by September 23, 2024. 

>> Under 44 U.S.C. § 2208(a)(3)(B), they may invoke a 30-working-day extension “by filing with the Archivist a statement that such an extension is necessary to allow an adequate review of the record” for “a claim of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure.” 

>> In this case, invocation of the 30-working-day extension delays the release until the day after Election Day. 

>> An extension had not been invoked in this case until now. 

>> President Biden’s lawyers and President Obama’s legal representatives have had since June to review these records, so it is not credible that they need an additional 30 working days to review them for executive privilege. 

>> This would not be the first time that political operatives have attempted to cover up a potential October Surprise right before a presidential election. NARA’s June 27, 2024 notification related to a tranche of then-Vice President Biden’s records that would have been released last week. The Presidential Records Act invocation pushes the deadline to November 6, 2024 (the day after Election Day).

In 2015, Hunter Biden, the son of then Vice President Joe Biden,  was receiving regular payments from Ukrainian gas company Burisma and from Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian businessman under prosecution. Special Counsel Weiss has since revealed evidence that Hunter “received compensation from a foreign principal who was attempting to influence U.S. policy and public opinion and cause the United States to investigate the Romanian investigation.” Would the photos of Jim Biden at a White House visit relate to the Romanian President visiting then-Vice President Biden at the White House in 2015?

In 2015, James Biden and his firm, Lion Hall, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in “loans” from Hynansky, a big Joe Biden campaign donor who received federal loans for his business expansion into Ukraine. How might the records relating to the preparation of Biden’s 2015 tax forms and financial disclosures relate to alleged “loan repayments” from his brother?

President Biden’s lawyers and President Obama’s legal representatives arbitrarily invoked a statutory extension meant for executive privilege review obviously to prevent their public release until after the election.

Statement from Dan Epstein, America First Legal Vice President:

“NARA has arbitrarily deferred to former President Obama and current President Biden’s requests to delay disclosure of likely embarrassing records until after the election that shows then-Vice President Biden’s communications with Rosemont Seneca and financial disclosures that may reveal profits from Burisma through Rosemont!” said Dan Epstein.

Sources: Press release from America First Legal (AFL), dated October 2, 2024. 
ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition - Everyone should learn first aid. This first aid manual of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is much more up-to-date (2014) than the American Red Cross manual, which hasn't been updated since 1992. I consider this a CORE BOOK for all families.

Evidence of Pfizer ‘Hot Lots’ Linked to Higher Rates of COVID Vaccine Injuries

By Tim Gamble
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

10-3-2024 Washington, D.C. – Scientists with  Children’s Health Defense (CHD) published a research letter, “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in the United States,” in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law

The letter expands on earlier findings in Denmark from Schmeling, Manniche, and Hansen that identified unexpected batch-dependent suspected adverse events (SAEs) following vaccination with Pfizer’s BioNTech’s COVID-19 shot. The Denmark study associated vaccine lot dose allocations to SAEs rates from data collected in Denmark from 12/27/20 to 1/11/22, finding that the larger the vaccine lot size, the lower the SAE rates.

CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, and Senior Research Scientist Karl Jablonowski compared the Denmark results to those in the U.S. to determine if similar patterns exist within the larger U.S. population. The researchers used Pfizer vaccine dose data and SAE case data available through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to identify associations between doses allocated and SAEs using the same methodology as the Denmark team, classifying SAEs from case data into three categories: death, serious, and all SAEs.

Hooker and Jablonowski analyzed vaccine lot data, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Informed Consent Action Network in October 2022, to track vaccine batches from where they were manufactured to where they were administered. Earlier batches sent to mass distribution centers like hospitals had more side effects than later ones sent to places like pharmacies and large grocery chains. Some lots, particularly early ones, had higher rates of deaths and serious adverse events.

While the researchers wrote that they expected to find a high number of deaths in states with the highest populations, such as California, Texas or New York, the proportions of serious injuries and deaths were relatively higher in places such as South Dakota, Kentucky and Tennessee.

“These unexpected, widely divergent adverse event reports highlight the extreme lot-to-lot variability in the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, illustrating myriad problems associated with the manufacture of these products,” said Dr. Hooker. “This rushed, ‘warp speed’ production process should have never been approved in the first place.”

Source: Press release from Children's Health Defense (CHD), dated September 30, 2024. 
ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition - Everyone should learn first aid. This first aid manual of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is much more up-to-date (2014) than the American Red Cross manual, which hasn't been updated since 1992. I consider this a CORE BOOK for all families.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Want to help Appalachia recover from Helene?

Want to help Appalachia recover from Helene? Consider donating to or volunteering with the wonderful folks at Grindstone Ministries. They already have "boots on the ground" in Eastern Tennessee and and are quickly moving into Western NC. They are also sending more volunteers, supplies and equipment into Appalachia in the coming days and weeks.

Grindstone Ministries - A disaster relief ministry that provides disaster cleanup & construction services and critical materials distribution in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as tornados and hurricanes. Grindstone is largely a volunteer-based ministry that does not charge anyone (victims, insurance companies, or government) for their services. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Normal American

By Tim Gamble
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

Just a quick note to make folks aware of an interesting alternative news resource:  NormalAmerican.com has a news page tagged "News To Keep You Out Of The Camps." It contains the RSS feeds for well over 250 (I quit trying to count) websites, blogs, podcasts, and video channels featuring conservative and alternative news, analysis, and political commentary, as well as preparedness and survival information. Lots of headlines for us to pursue in our search for reliable information in an age of woke censorship and propaganda. Please check it out.

I am happy to say that the RSS feeds for both my websites, TimGamble.com (political resistance) and DystopianSurvival.com (survival and self-reliance) are included. 

Here is a direct link to that news page: https://normalamerican.com/news/
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

TmGamble.com - Monthly News and Notifications

By Tim Gamble

Website News: Be sure to check out the right-side column. I have added a number of new RSS feeds from various alternative news sources that may interest my readers. 

www.TimGamble.com is my #Resistance website. This website focuses on all aspects of peaceful, legal and moral resistance against the evil forces threatening America, the traditional family, and traditional Western civilization. It also includes news, information, educational materials, and analysis of current events.

Join The Resistance! If you are not already subscribing to this website, please join The Resistance by clicking here. Subscribing by email is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time. You have my personal promise that I will never sell, rent, or otherwise share your email address with anyone else. Subscribing by email, along with bookmarking this website in your favorite browsers, are the best way to stay in touch despite any Big Tech censorship during this election year. 

Privacy Statement, Cookie Policy, and Other Important Notices for this website can be read at https://www.timgamble.com/2023/07/privacy-statement-cookie-policy-and.html

Statement on Resistance / Statement on Self-Defense for my websites can be read at https://www.timgamble.com/2024/01/statement-on-resistance-statement-on.html

First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies - This website is affiliated with Refuge Medical and Refuge Training. All members of The Resistance (that's you!) will automatically receive 10% off at checkout when visiting their store from links on this website. Their first aid kits, tourniquets, and medical supplies are high-quality, made-in-America products (no cheap China junk) that are great for patriots, families, preppers, survivalists, hunters, hikers, campers, and all other living people. Helps keep blood in the body and breath in the lungs during life's emergencies. Click here to be sent to their webstore and receive 10% off, at checkout. 

Follow me on Gab at https://gab.com/TimGamble.  Yes, there are some "unpleasant" folks on there, and some are very vocal with their hate, but they're easy enough to mute and block. I've found that most Gab folks are decent people and there are more actual interactions on Gab than on X, Truth Social, and Gettr. Reminds me of the old days of Twitter before the censorship crap started. 

www.DystopianSurvival.com is my other website, which specifically focuses on all aspects of modern preparedness, survivalism, and self-reliance. Please check out the over 650 articles on that website! 
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

Index to National Preparedness Month Articles

September was National Preparedness Month. In recognition of that, I posted on Dystopian Survival a long series of articles aimed mostly at people relatively new to preparedness, or who just need a good review of the subject matter. Here is the index of those 21 articles: 

Outline of Preparedness https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/preparedness-month-outline-of.html

FOOD! https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/food-national-preparedness-month.html

The Truth About Expiration Dates https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/the-truth-about-expiration-dates.html

WATER!!! https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/water-national-preparedness-month.html

Water Collection and Treatment https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/water-collection-and-treatment-national.html

Situational Awareness and the OODA Loop https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/situational-awareness-and-ooda-loop.html

Home Security https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/home-security-national-preparedness.html

Personal Security https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/personal-security-national-preparedness.html

Your Vehicles https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/your-vehicles-national-preparedness.html

The Bug Out Plan https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/the-bug-out-plan-national-preparedness.html

Family Communications Plan https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/family-communications-plan-national.html

No Electricity? https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/no-electricity-national-preparedness.html

Personal Finance https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/personal-finance-national-preparedness.html

Training https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/training-national-preparedness-month.html

Your Body https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/your-body-national-preparedness-month.html

Fitness and the Aging Prepper https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/fitness-and-aging-prepper-national.html 

10 FREE Ways To Improve Your Health and Fitness  https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/10-free-ways-to-improve-your-health-and.html

Make Plans For a Long-Term Emergency  https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/make-plans-for-long-term-emergency.html

Nuclear War Preparations https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/nuclear-war-preparations-national.html 

Civil Defense https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/civil-defense-national-preparedness.html

Community https://www.dystopiansurvival.com/2024/09/community-national-preparedness-month.html 

Gas Can Spout Replacement Kit, 5 pack (Amazon Link) - An answer to those modern gas cans that spill gas all over the place - a return to normal spouts that actually worked.