Monday, September 30, 2024

White House Gun Control Executive Orders Condemned

By Tim Gamble

The following is a press release by the Gun Owners of America (GOA), dated September 26, 2024. 

9-26-2024 Washington, D.C. – Spokesmen with Gun Owners of America (GOA) issued the following statements in reaction to the White House issuing a new executive order on gun control this afternoon.

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement:  

“The White House just made a huge mistake by reminding gun owners of Kamala’s radical, gun-grabbing agenda, with the election a mere month or so away. Kamala Harris just claimed responsibility for each infringement—every banned gun and part—by ATF in the last four years, so we are pushing back and calling her out.” 

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, added:  

“Shockingly, Kamala Harris is weaponizing the ‘enhanced background check’ for young adults into a tool for gun confiscation. If an existing gun owner goes to purchase a new firearm legally, the government may ‘red flag’ them instead and seize their currently owned firearms in the process. The chilling effect this could have on new gun purchases is unimaginable.” 

Today’s executive order is loaded with anti-gun provisions, including:

  • Using “red flag” laws to disarm potential gun purchasers when running an “enhanced background check”
  • $135 million in bribes to states to pass and implement “red-flag” gun confiscation laws and expand “enhanced background [registration] checks”
  • Demanding that states create carveouts to state privacy laws to disclose records about minors to the Feds, all for the purpose of extending the unconstitutional wait periods on adults under-21 trying to buy a gun
  • Creating a task force to further demonize 3-D printing, homemade firearms, and machine gun conversion devices
  • A demand that Congress ban so-called “assault weapons” and bump stocks; pass mandatory “safe-storage” and federal “red-flag” gun confiscation laws; and expand background checks to bolster the ATF’s gun owner registry
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