
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Trump Issues Strong Defense of Gun Rights

8-22-2024 - On Saturday, August 17, at the Gun Owners of America’s national conference, President Donald Trump virtually addressed the crowd of attendees with both words of encouragement and a warning about the siege facing Second Amendment rights in the lead up to the November election.

President Trump’s speech, which was warmly received by the crowd, comes at a time when our Second Amendment rights face some of their greatest threats in history. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the anti-gun tyrants in Congress and state legislatures across the country have unleashed a relentless assault against gun owners and dealers nationwide.

In his speech, President Trump addressed Gun Owners of America by name, saying among other things:

“When I am President, I will always listen to Gun Owners of America. I want to congratulate all of you, because you’ve really come a long way in a short period of time…” 

“Kamala Harris has supported gun confiscation schemes throughout her career…”  

“I ask all of the gun owners to get out and vote…” 

Watch the full video address here:

Tim Macy, the Chairman of Gun Owners of America, issued the following statement:  

“We’re incredibly grateful to President Trump for taking the time to address our attendees. Without a doubt, this was President Trump’s strongest take on gun rights to date, and coupled with Senator Vance as his running mate, gun owners have a clear choice this November.” 

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, added: 

“Our rights are absolutely on the ballot, and it’s essential that gun owners do everything we can to turn out the pro-gun vote and ensure Kamala Harris is not the next occupant of the White House.” 
Sources: 1) Press release by the Gun Owners of America (GOA), dated August 21, 2024. 2) Video of President Trump's Speech (url:
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