
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Malaysia: Prime Minister Expands Role of Sharia Law

Tim's Comments: Malaysia. an Asian country of almost 35 million people, has long been considered a "moderate" Islamic nation, but in recent years is drifting more towards fundamentalism. This is only increasing under current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is using the government's Islamic Development Department to institute Sharia Law at all levels of government and throughout society. Malaysia is about 65% Sunni Islamic. Buddhists are about 18% of the population and Christians about 9% The following is an unedited press release from International Christian Concern (ICC), dated August 12, 2024. 

Prime Minister Plans to Expand Islamic Development Department

8/12/2024 Malaysia (International Christian Concern) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim recently announced plans to expand the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) role to enhance the country’s dignity and status.

Anwar met with Jakim’s leadership to draft a national development policy framework based on Malaysia Madani. Previously, Jakim focused on preaching, training, and organizing Quran recital competitions but had a limited role in the 12th Malaysia Plan and Madani Budget. Anwar emphasized the importance of aligning Jakim’s contributions with national development to benefit the country. 

The prime minister also encouraged Muslims to discuss sustainability and the value system advocated by the Quran. He criticized the misuse of Quranic verses to oppose government initiatives. 

The Madani government placed Jakim officers in every government department, requiring all programs and projects to go through them before implementation. This is part of implementing Sharia law to ensure that the government aligns with Islamic principles. Future programs not adhering to Islamic Sharia will be rejected, affecting people from minority religions.  

Nearly 65% of Malaysians are Muslim, and another 19% are Buddhists. Less than 10% of the population is Christian.  

On August 6, Democratic Action Party (DAP) Chairman Lim Guan Eng criticized the Terengganu government’s ban on female singers at a temple jubilee celebration, citing it as an infringement on non-Muslims’ constitutional rights. 

“What is in plain view is that non-Muslims are not only discriminated against but also denied their customary entertainment or traditional practices involving a religious festival,” Lim said. 

He further emphasized that the ban infringes on Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees the right to freedom of religion. 

He cautioned that Malaysians, particularly non-Muslims, should be aware that these practices may also be enforced upon them. “Individuals from all religious backgrounds,” he said, “especially non-Muslims, will be significantly affected by these measures.” 

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