Friday, August 9, 2024

Arizona Court Rules In Favor of Free Speech, Election Integrity

The following is an unedited press release from America First Policy Institute (AFPI), dated August 8, 2024:

8-8-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a significant win for election integrity and free speech, an Arizona court struck down a major portion of the Arizona Election Procedures Manual (EPM). America First Policy Institute (AFPI) challenged the EPM’s Speech Provision as a blatant violation of the Arizona Constitution.
The problematic Speech Provision makes it a crime to engage in expression near a polling place that is protected free speech by the First Amendment of the Constitution, such as simply wearing a red hat or carrying a handbag that states, “It should be easy to vote but hard to cheat.” AFPI’s lawsuit on behalf of the Arizona Free Enterprise Coalition alleges that no government official has the authority to overrule the U.S. Constitution and that the Speech Provision is unlawful.
The court agreed, stating: “Many of the prohibitions listed in the EPM are free speech and protected by both the Arizona Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.”
“This is a great win for our clients and the citizens of Arizona. But the battle for election integrity is far from over,” said Pam Bondi, former Florida Attorney General and AFPI Chair of the Center for Litigation. “The America First Policy Institute will continue to ensure that it is easy to vote but hard to cheat in Arizona and across the Nation.”
Read a copy of the court’s order here.
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