Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Resisting the Elites: What does an actual A.I. recommend?

By Tim Gamble

Since this website is devoted to resisting tyranny in the modern world of technology, technocracy, and artificial intelligence, I thought it would be interesting to see what an actual A.I. would recommend. So I asked one to write a guest article on the subject. I present it here without any comments or editing. The A.I. that wrote the article is Gab.AI. (By the way, I also asked it to write an article on surviving dystopia, which you can read on my Dystopian Survival website, by clicking this link.) 

Resisting Tyranny in the Age of Technocracy: Strategies for Preserving Freedom in a High-Tech World

 As technology advances and becomes increasingly intertwined with every aspect of our lives, the potential for tyranny and technocratic control grows. This article explores strategies for resisting these oppressive forces and preserving individual freedom in a high-tech age.

1- Digital privacy: Protect your personal data and online activities from surveillance by using encryption, secure messaging apps, and privacy-focused browsers. Be cautious about sharing sensitive information online.
2- Cybersecurity: Strengthen your digital defenses by regularly updating software, using strong passwords, and being wary of phishing attempts. Educate yourself on the latest cyber threats and how to combat them.
3- Decentralization: Support decentralized technologies and platforms that reduce reliance on centralized authorities and promote individual autonomy. Examples include blockchain-based systems and peer-to-peer networks.
4- Grassroots activism: Engage in grassroots activism to raise awareness about the dangers of technocratic control and build support for policies that protect individual rights and freedoms.
5- Education and awareness: Stay informed about the latest developments in technology and their potential implications for privacy, security, and freedom. Share this knowledge with others to foster a more informed and engaged citizenry.
6- Civil disobedience: When faced with unjust laws or policies, consider engaging in peaceful civil disobedience to draw attention to the issue and inspire change.
7- Strengthening human connections: In an increasingly digital world, prioritize real-world human connections and relationships. Building strong communities can provide a bulwark against technocratic control and foster resilience.

By implementing these strategies, individuals can resist the encroachment of tyranny in the high-tech age of technocracy and preserve their hard-won freedoms. It is essential to remain vigilant, proactive, and committed to the cause of liberty in the face of evolving challenges.

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Amazon Link) - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Spotting Federal Agents and Other Infiltrators

By Tim Gamble

I've presented this information before, but it is vitally important now as we are within three months of the Presidential election.

The Deep State is more than willing to infiltrate patriot groups, rallies, and protests to spy, to instigate, and even to attempt false flag events in order to disrupt and discredit patriots. They use not only activists (Antifa, BLM, various anarchists, and even SJWs), but also Federal agents (FBI, ATF, etc.) to do so. This has become standard operating procedure for them. 

Peaceful, non-violent protests are a 100% legal and morally acceptable way to raise awareness of issues and attempt to influence the political process. They are also protected by the first amendment rights of Free Speech and Free Assembly. 

This fact is accepted by the media, politicians, and law enforcement when it is the Left protesting (even when those protests do include looting, rioting, and burning entire city blocks). But whenever the Right does it (without the looting, rioting, and burning), protests are suddenly unacceptable and must be stopped at all costs - even if it means instigating situations or even creating false flags to shut down conservative protests, and clamp down on our freedoms. 

Here are a few quick tips to spotting a potential infiltrator:
  • The unknown person who shows up at the protest unannounced, acting as if they are a long-standing supporter of the group/movement. Yet no one knows them.
  • The unknown person who wears a mask, won't show any ID, and obviously is trying to avoid having their picture taken.
  • The person who says all the right things to make it seem they are part of the group, but also seems to be trying hard to "push the buttons" of the group to get other people to do or say something violent or racist. 
  • The person that shows up with a sign that is racist or threatening, or that is otherwise off-message for the protest. 
  • The person who tries to get the group to suddenly change plans and to do something or go somewhere that was not already planned. Stick to your preplanned agenda. 
  • The person who gets overly-emotional or uses over-the-top rhetoric, especially if they seem to be trying to get others to follow their lead. 
  • The person who advocates violence or illegal activity. 

What to do if you think someone is an infiltrator?
  • Peacefully confront them about their behavior, signs, language, etc.
  • Ask them to remove their mask. 
  • Ask them to identify themselves, and to show ID.
  • Notify event leaders and organizers of a potential problem.
  • Let other protestors know of the potential infiltrator.
  • Take photos of them, especially photos without their face hidden.
  • Take videos of their actions. 
  • Denounce them, their language, and their actions. 
  • Always be polite, but firm.
  • Do not act violently towards them or make threats of violence against them. 

Most importantly, don't let them influence the group. Stick to your pre-planned activities. Don't go along with their ideas, rhetoric or theatrics. 

Is a new member wanting to join your group? Great. We need to expand our numbers to be effective. But don't be too desperate for new members that you don't do your due diligence. Treat their potential membership as a job interview. Ask questions. Get to know them. Trust your gut. Let them know up front that your group is a peaceful group, and that you won't tolerate violence, threats of violence, or other illegal activities. Again, be extremely wary of anyone who gets overly-emotional or uses over-the-top rhetoric, particularly if they seem to be trying to push the buttons of other group members. 

Remember: Keep calm. Always stay peaceful. Never make threats.
Mossy Oak 14-inch Bowie Knife (Amazon link) Full-tang Fixed Blade, Wood Handle Hunting/Survival Knife with Leather Sheath. I bought one of these just to check it out. For a $20 knife it is rather impressive. A good option for a budget survival knife. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Defending the Second Amendment

By Tim Gamble

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

1) Know Your Rights - We have a natural (God-given) right to self-defense, and this includes the tools needed to defend ourselves. This unalienable right is recognized and guaranteed by the Second Amendment to U.S. Constitution. Guns are a very useful, even necessary, tool of self-defense. They are also great for hunting, providing food, recreation through shooting sports, and collecting. But their primary function, as enshrined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers, is for self-defense, against both bad people and bad governments

Action Steps:

A) Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
B) Get a "pocket copy" of both (various organizations often give away such copies).
C) Read the article "The Six Things Americans Should Know About the Second Amendment" by Richard W. Stevens.
D) Check out the Biblical Self-Defense website.
E) Learn the laws of your state and locality regarding firearms, self-defense, and concealed-carry & open-carry. Your local gun store should be able to help with this step. 

[Why know State Laws if the Second Amendment is clear? Because politicians and government officials don't always follow the Constitution, and it is difficult to defend the Second Amendment from a jail cell.]

2) Work to Change Unconstitutional Laws and Excessive Regulations

Many states and localities have passed legislation that violates the Second Amendment and/or otherwise restricts our inalienable right to self-defense. We must work diligently to change these laws and to prevent new restrictions. This takes time, effort, and awarenessThe cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. 

Action Steps:

A) Know the positions of political candidates regarding guns and self-defense. Do not vote for candidates that do not fully support the Second Amendment or that favor restrictions, even so-called "commonsense" restrictions, on guns and self-defense. This is especially important in state and local elections!
B) Make your voice heard. Pressure your politicians at all levels to be pro-Second Amendment, and to resist all gun control efforts. Many politicians end up voting in the direction they feel the greatest pressure. We have to make sure we out-pressure the Elites. The Elites are very good at this, and have the support of the main stream media and academia. We have to be better than them. Write, call, email, and visit your elected officials often. Attend town halls. Write newspaper editorials. Be outspoken. 
C) Here's how to contact federal, state, and local government officials: click this link. 
D) Many gun rights organizations provide legislative alerts and suggested actions to take. Join their email lists and/or follow them on social media to stay informed of these opportunities. (A list of some of these organizations is in step #3 below.)

3)  Join Forces with Others Defending the Second Amendment

There are many organizations defending the Second Amendment. Here are a few you should consider joining. 

Action Steps:

A) Gun Owners Association (GOA) (TwitterWebsite, YouTube)
B) National Rifle Association (NRA) (TwitterWebsiteYouTube)
C) National Association for Gun Rights (TwitterWebsiteYouTube)
D) The Second Amendment Foundation (TwitterWebsite)
E) Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (TwitterWebsite

4) Know the Facts

Over the years, many politicians and activists have been caught reciting facts and statistics that were highly distorted or even completely made-up. Opponents of the Second Amendment have no qualms about lying to get their way. It is crucial that we know the real facts and statistics so that we cannot be mislead, and so that we can correct the record and prevent others from being mislead.

Action Steps:

A) Visit and explore the Gun Facts website
B) Download and read the free GOA ebook Gun Facts 6.2 (link opens a .pdf) - if someone knows of a newer version of this book, please drop a link to it in the comments section below. 

5) Promote Gun Ownership

Action Steps:
A) Own guns and enjoy them. 
B) Encourage others to own guns, and to pursue hunting and shooting hobbies. The more people who own and enjoy guns, the harder it will be for the Elites to take our guns away. 
C) Invite a gun-wary friend, neighbor, or co-worker to go hunting or shooting with you. Get to them before the Elites do.

6) Schools and Zero-Tolerance

Schools have enacted zero-tolerance policies that go way beyond banning the actual weapons from schools. School kids have, and are, getting suspended, expelled, and sometimes arrested for such absurdities as merely using the word "gun", drawing a picture of a gun, having one of those green plastic army men with a gun, biting a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, having a toy "bubble gun" or water pistol that looks nothing like a real gun, and even holding their forefinger and thumb into a gun shape while playing on the playground (no more playing cowboys and Indians, or even cops and robbers).

School officials are smart enough to understand the difference between a half-eaten pop tart that is sort of in the shape of a gun, and a real gun. They intentionally overreact to such an incredible extent not to discourage guns on campus, but to instill a deep-seated fear of guns into students. The Elites know that if the current generation of students are afraid of guns, it will be easier to ban guns once they grow up.  

Action Steps:

Fight these absurd zero-tolerance rules in your kids' schools. Stand up to administrators who think your kid should be arrested for biting a potato-chip in such a way that it vaguely resembles a gun. Point out the absurdity of pretending that the tiny plastic gun that the green plastic army man is holding is the same as the real thing. 
B) Make sure you are voting for school board members who respect the Second Amendment, as well as the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is absolutely crucial. 
C) Teach your kids to respect guns, not to fear them. Teach them how to use guns safely. Take them shooting and hunting. Check out the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program for kidsAsk at your local gun store about other age-appropriate gun safety programs in your area. 

7) Men, Get Your Woman Into Shooting

Men, get your wives and girlfriends into shooting. The more women who get into hunting and other shooting sports, the more secure the Second Amendment will be in the future.

Think about it. Wherever mothers go, there go their children. The more that children are exposed to responsible gun ownership, and the safe and fun use of guns, the less fearful they will be of guns, despite the anti-gun indoctrination in our schools.

The long-term future of the Second Amendment is being determined in the fight for the hearts and minds of children. The anti-gun activists know that the more fearful children are of guns while they are young, the more fearful they will be when they grow up. Then those fearful future adults - who will be voters, politicians, judges, bureaucrats, school administrators, teachers, and in other positions of influence - will be easier to convince to do away with the Second Amendment and accept complete gun confiscation (the ultimate goal of gun control).

Action Steps:

A) Men, Get Your Woman Into Shooting. The best and easiest way to stop the intentional spread of the fear of guns into children is to get their mothers into guns. Take your wife or girlfriend to the shooting range. Take them hunting. Get them into guns. And the message will seep down to their children.


I'm not a woman, but I do have some commonsense suggestions for how to get your wife or girlfriend into shooting: 
  • Be patient. 
  • Make it fun. 
  • Don't be a jerk, talk down to her, or make it into some macho thing. 
  • The purpose is to get her into shooting, not to show off your skills or to impress her with your manliness.
  • Don't take over and try to make decisions for her. 
  • Let other people help - you're probably the wrong person to teach her how to shoot, no matter how good you are. 
  • Take a class together. 
  • Don't "take her" shooting or hunting, instead go shooting or hunting together (an important difference, especially to a woman). 
  • Let her progress at her own pace.
I would love to get suggestions from women on how to get women into shooting sports. Please leave suggestions in the comments section below.  

Note: This article first appeared on 
Mossy Oak 14-inch Bowie Knife (Amazon link) Full-tang Fixed Blade, Wood Handle Hunting/Survival Knife with Leather Sheath. I bought one of these just to check it out. For a $20 knife it is rather impressive. A good option for a budget survival knife.