Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Weaponization of the HHS and the DOJ: Texas Children Hospital whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim

By Tim Gamble

Much as been made in recent years of the weaponization of various government agencies to not go after criminals, but rather to go after and punish political dissent. Numerous examples have been pointed out of the DOJ, FBI, ATF, IRS, and even the EPA, among others, being used to go after political opposition. This article looks at a current example of the Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) going after Texas Children Hospital whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim. 

From a statement released Monday, July 22, by America First Legal (AFL):

"HHS has aggressively promoted the chemical castration and physical mutilation of children who “identify” as the opposite sex. However, on February 22, 2022, the Texas Attorney General opined that a wide range of “gender affirming” or “sex change” procedures and treatments, when performed on children, can legally constitute child abuse under several provisions of chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code. On Friday, March 4, 2022, Texas Children’s Hospital stated that it was ceasing such procedures and treatments “to safeguard our health care professionals and impacted families from potential criminal legal ramifications.” 

However, it appears the Hospital lied. On May 16, 2023, Christopher Rufo published leaked documents allegedly showing that the hospital continued to conduct “gender-affirming” experiments with drugs and surgery on children after the Texas Attorney General’s ruling and after the Hospital stated such experiments had ceased. 

In January 2024, Dr. Haim confirmed that he was the whistleblower. Reportedly, he said “It’s my responsibility as a doctor, as a physician, to expose this to the public. If I don’t, then this abuse can continue.” He also reportedly said that “future generations, like my children, would never be able to forgive me if they knew I had the chance to do something and I decided to stay silent.” According to Dr. Haim, all sensitive patient information had been redacted from the documents he provided to Mr. Rufo.

Nevertheless, Dr. Haim has been indicted. On June 17, 2024, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Texas issued a press release titled “Doctor charged for unauthorized access to personal information of pediatric patients at Texas Children’s Hospital.” The government alleged Dr. Haim obtained “unauthorized access to personal information of pediatric patients under false pretenses and later disclosed it to a media contact.” It further alleged that Dr. Haim “obtained this information under false pretenses and with intent to cause malicious harm” to Texas Children’s Hospital. The government has classified Dr. Haim’s conduct as “Health Care Fraud”; he faces up to 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine for blowing the whistle to protect children. 

This prosecution appears to be yet another example of the Biden Administration’s abuse of the criminal justice system to advance its extreme social agenda. This investigation will shine additional light on Biden’s weaponization of the federal government and disregard for common sense and the rule of law. AFL will keep fighting to protect our children. 

Statements of America First Legal Senior Advisor Ian Prior:

“The Biden Administration’s weaponization of the federal government is not just limited to political opponents but has now been extended to ordinary Americans who blow the whistle on the horrific and illegal medical experimentation performed on children in the name of transgender ideology. It has become crystal clear through our investigation into the Department of Health and Human Services that the federal government is intent on doing everything it can to investigate and punish states and individuals that choose not to go along with the Biden Administration’s push for medicating, sterilizing, and mutilating children. America First Legal will leave no stone unturned in its mission to end this dark and inhumane practice that will be appropriately judged in the near future as nothing short of a crime against humanity.“ said Ian Prior."

The full statement by AFL, including the link to the FIOA materials, can be found by clicking here


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