Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Resources for Real News

By Tim Gamble

Over the last several years, the mainstream news media has moved from being merely biased to openly becoming propagandists for the Left. Also, the massive amount of government interference in the news media has been well-documented and revealed. Mainstream news is no longer trustworthy. So, where do we get real news? Whatever choices you choice, be aware of their (and your) biases, consider their sources carefully, doublecheck the information, don't react emotionally, and always think for yourself. 

Best Source of Real Journalism - The Epoch Times

My personal choice for the best source of real, old-fashioned  journalism today is The Epoch Times. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), they are the best news organization today, by far. Their motto is "Truth, Tradition, Hope." They do an excellent job of living up to that motto.

I especially appreciate their in-depth coverage of China and the CCP, exposing the influence and tactics used globally and in the USA. These type of stories are usually not covered in the mainstream media, or even actively covered up. It is also worth mentioning their excellent coverage of medical and health topics. 

Also Worth Mentioning:
This list is by no means a complete list. It represents the ones I personally use. None of them are perfect (perfect doesn't exist), but all are much better than the mainstream media.

RT News Is Worth Following

Yes, RT News is Russian government propaganda, just as US mainstream news is US government propaganda. Be aware of that fact and use their website to understand what narrative they are pushing as a counter-point to the American propaganda. Also, they do a better job of covering international news than American news media typically does, especially with news regarding the BRICS+ nations. 

Link Aggregators Worth Following:
Remember, not all Alternative News sites are created equal. A few are excellent, some are okay, and many are pure crap. Use discernment. If a news source is repeatedly proven wrong, or if they constantly use shocking or misleading headlines as click-bait, ignore them.
Other News Sources 
  • Over the last few years, Fox News and Fox Business has gotten rid of a number of excellent hosts - Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, Trish Regan, Tucker Carlson, Steve Hilton, and others. Many of these have created their own independent shows and podcasts, worth checking out. Look up their websites on your favorite search engine. (Edit: This article was published on July 17. On July 18, Lou Dobbs passed away.)
  • FOX Business hasn't gone as far left as FOX News, and is still worth watching, especially those programs hosted by Maria Bartiromo, Stuart Varney, and Larry Kudlow
  • There are a number of independent journalists producing their own great content. Peter Schweizer, Lara Logan, Emerald Robinson, Andy Ngo, Laura Loomer, James O'Keefe, Sharyl Attkisson, Michael Yon, and Lee Fang are just a few of the names you need to know. Many have their own websites, and are on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter)
  • A number of doctors - such as Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. John Campbell - have began publishing information and interviews on their own after facing opposition and censorship from the mainstream media over pandemic and vaccination information.
  • Citizen Journalism is also an emerging wave. Citizen journalists are just regular folks reporting on what they see going on around them. David Kobler, on his SouthernPrepper1 YouTube channel, facilitates many of these reports through his "Boots on the Ground" segments. Similar citizen reports are used in the "Bear Brief" segments on the Bear Independent YouTube channel. I occasionally do my own citizen journalism type reports on the Dystopian Survival website.
  • - My resistance website not only is about resistance, but also is a great news source of events and issues that I feel are ignored, under-reported, or misreported by the mainstream media. The right-side column also has the RSS feeds for several news outlets that I follow. 
With citizen journalism, as with all forms of journalism actually, react to overall trends, not isolated incidences. There are probably 101 legitimate reasons why a particular store may be out of a particular item at any given time. But if all the stores in your area are out of that same item, and you hear of other stores around the country being out of that item, than you have identified a trend. React to trends, not incidences.
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