Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Join The Resistance!

My Fellow Citizens of the Republic,

If you are not already subscribing to this website, please join The Resistance by clicking here. Subscribing by email is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time. You have my personal promise that I will never sell, rent, or otherwise share your email address with anyone else. 

Back before the 2020 election, I had an email subscriber list of almost 1,500 people (1,498 at its peak). Then, I was "cancelled" by Big Tech. In addition to getting kicked off Facebook and Twitter, my email subscriber list was deleted without warning by the tech company that managed it. I did not have a back up copy (I was naïve and trusted that company). 

Now, I have a different company managing my email lists (Follow.It) that is not only pro free speech, but has been extremely helpful to me. Great customer service! I am still a long way from 1,500 subscribers again. But, with your help I'm getting closer. 

Thank you for supporting this website. 

Tim Gamble

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