
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gun Owners of America (GOA) Enthusiastically Endorses J.D. Vance for Vice-President

Gun Owners of America (GOA) has enthusiastically endorsed J.D Vance as Trump's running mate for the office of Vice-President. 

“Senator Vance is a friend of the American gun owner, one who will fiercely defend our Second Amendment rights,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior VP. “We are thrilled with his selection and look forward to removing the anti-gunner-in-chief from the White House.” 

“Despite his short time in office, Senator Vance has maintained a perfect voting record where other Republican Senators have not. It’s clear how seriously Senator Vance treasures our Second Amendment rights,” said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Whether it’s his support for abolishing the ATF, his commitment to destroying the federal gun registry, or his opposition to expanded background checks, our members can sleep soundly with his nomination for Vice President.” 

According to a GOA press release, Senator Vance has a 100% voting scorecard from Gun Owners of America. The press release goes on to say J.D. Vance has:

  • Vocally called for the abolishment of the ATF
  • Highlighted GOA’s research on the billion record ATF gun registry
  • Opposed the Biden Pistol Brace Ban
  • Opposed Senator Cornyn’s “Compromise” Gun Control Law
  • Opposed the VA submitting veterans’ names to the FBI background check system simply for having a fiduciary manage their complex VA benefits
  • Threatened major corporations with legislation to restrict anti-gun policies that harass or restrict individuals from purchasing firearms and ammunition
Source: Press Release dated July 16, 2024 by Gun Owners of America (GOA).
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