By Tim Gamble
I just want to give a quick update on my health, as a third type of cancer was recently diagnosed.
As you probably know, I was diagnosed with colon cancer in March and had part of my colon as well as my gall bladder removed. The tumor had pressed against my liver (but thankfully had not yet spread to it) creating a large abbess that also had to be cut out. During this operation, it was also discovered that I was developing a cancer of the appendix. Luckily, this one was caught very early on. The good news is that I am healing nicely from my surgeries, and it appears they got all of the cancer.
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A few weeks ago, I was also diagnosed with a third cancer - melanoma. A lesion formed just under my left ear. They removed it last week, and the lab results show that they got all of it. However, they had to remove a large section of my skin (larger than a quarter) and needed to pull up skin from my neck to cover it. This necessitated cutting two long incisions (see the photo) into my skin so they could lift up that section and tug it up into place before sewing everything back together again.
During all this, I haven't felt much like posting new material. My apologies for that. But as my health problems improve, I plan on returning to more frequent posting of articles, and maybe doing some videos too. Thank you for you patience with me during this time.
Prayers are always appreciated.
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