
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Monthly Housekeeping...

By Tim Gamble

What is This website has been around for 15 years. It has evolved over the years into what it is today - a website promoting moral and peaceful resistance against the evil forces trying to reshape America, the traditional family, and traditional Western Civilization. It also promotes preparedness and self-reliance as a foundation to that resistance, as well as our God-given right to self-defense and the tools of self-defense, as acknowledged in the Second Amendment. 
We the people have an inalienable right to resist, by all means peaceful and moral, any and all oppressive or tyrannical governments, corporations, and other authorities, including individuals who by their wealth, station, influence or other means, exercise or attempt to exercise power over others. 

See my Statement on Resistance / Statement on Self-Defense for more information. 

Join The Resistance! If you are not already subscribing to this website, please join The Resistance by clicking here. Subscribing by email is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time. You have my personal promise that I will never sell, rent, or otherwise share your email address with anyone else. Subscribing by email, along with bookmarking this website in your favorite browsers are the best way to stay in touch despite any Big Tech censorship during this election year. 

First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies - This website is affiliated with Refuge Medical and Refuge Training. All members of the Resistance (that's you!) will automatically receive 10% off at checkout when visiting their store from links on this website. Their first aid kits, tourniquets, and medical supplies are high-quality, made-in-America products (no cheap China junk) that are great for patriots, families, preppers, survivalists, hunters, hikers, campers, and all other living people. Helps keep blood in the body and breath in the lungs during life's emergencies. Click here to be sent to their webstore and receive 10% off. Remember, you will automatically receive the 10% off at checkout. 

Privacy Statement, Cookie Policy, and Other Important Notices can be read at 

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) is now available for pre-order on Amazon with a "lowest price" guarantee. This book is receiving a lot of hype. Donald Trump, Jr. is talking it up on x (Twitter) today. From the Amazon write-up: "But this is not a book about ideology or politics. Unhumans reveals that communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not philosophies but tactics—tactics that are specifically designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property. These are the forces of unhumanity. This is what they do. Every. Single. Time. Unhumans steals their playbook, breaks apart their strategies piece by piece, and lays out the tactics of what it takes to fight back—and win, using real-world examples." is my other website, which specifically focuses on all aspects of modern preparedness, survivalism, and self-reliance. Please check out the well-over 500 articles on that website! 

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