
Friday, April 26, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Who Are We Fighting Against

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

Resistance. It is the focus of this website. But who or what are we resisting? 

There are forces at work in our world which are trying to fundamentally change human civilization. Not for the betterment of humanity, despite their claims, but rather for their own benefit. I generally refer to those forces as either the elites or the power elites. 

The elites want to destroy America and Western Civilization to create their version of utopia (for them). They believe Western Civilization and culture is bad, that America in particular is evil, and that traditional Biblical values and ethics are too restricting (for them). They hate free market capitalism, even though they have greatly benefited from it. They look down on the lower and working classes with great disdain (we are uneducated, unsophisticated, inferior).   

The elites want to create a world with no borders (for them), where they are global citizens unrestricted by normal laws and ethics. They desire a controlled underclass (they need workers), only a very small middle class (they do need a few working professionals), and an upper class made up of themselves and their fellow elites. 

The elites have already done great damage to traditional Western Civilization. The introduction of centralized banking & fiat currency is one example. Destroying traditional Western education is another. Current attempts to restrict Free Speech and Free Press (in the guise of stopping "misinformation" or protecting "vulnerable" groups) comes straight out of the elites desire to control the lesser classes, as does their desires to eliminate the Second Amendment, and to greatly restrict parental rights. Their antagonism to traditional ideas of religion, patriotism, nationality, gender roles, sexuality, and marriage is very much a part of their attempts to overcome Biblical and traditional values.

Who Are The Elite and their Allies? (An incomplete list)
  • The Open Society Foundations (George Soros)
  • The World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab, Børge Brende + many other corporate leaders, politicians, royals, etc.)
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (list of officers & board members:
  • Blackrock (Larry Fink)
  • Bank of America (Brian Moynihan)
  • Goldman Sachs (David Solomon) 
  • All other large banks and financial institutions
  • Alphabet (Larry Page) - includes Google, You Tube
  • Meta (Mark Zuckerberg) - includes Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads)
  • Amazon (Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post)
  • All career politicians (with a few exceptions)
  • All career bureaucrats at high level (you don't rise to high level without being a part of the system or at least controlled by it)
  • All major media outlets (and most, but not all, of their employees)
  • All universities and colleges (with perhaps a very few exceptions)
  • Teachers' Unions (especially at the leadership and policy making levels)

All Public School Boards and School Systems (including the one your kids are in) are also allied with the Elites and their plans. This doesn't mean that every teacher or every school board member agrees, but it does mean the public schools are controlled by the Elites. And keep in mind that surveys have found that as many as 70% of all teachers are on board with agendas like CRT, LGBT+, the Climate Crisis, et. al., at least to some extent. 

Growing worrisome is the military, which has grown increasingly politically correct and woke over the last decade or two (starting with the aftermath of the Tailhook Scandal). Then there was the purge of top ranking military officials conducted under Obama, making room to advance officers that are in ideological agreement with the Left. Under Biden, we are now seeing the full-scale implementation of DEI, further weakening our military and moving it solidly Left.

The Chinese Communist Party 

The Elites find themselves in ideological agreement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and greatly admire the CCP's near absolute control over the Chinese people. 

Since at least the 1990s, the CCP has used its money and access to their vast markets to exert influence over the American and Western Elites. This includes everything from buying off politicians and career bureaucrats, to paying millions for "paintings" by Hunter Biden, to establishing "Confucius Institutes" at every major university and college in the United States. For a more complete list of CCP influence, see Peter Schweizer's book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

This influence and control is made even easier for the CCP by the Elites' open admiration for the Chinese system of highly centralized, authoritarian control. The type of control they are implementing in the USA and throughout the world. 


The Elite are fractionally a very small segment of the population, yet they control a vast amount of wealth and power. And they have many "useful tools" on their side in government, academia, the media, union leadership, throughout pop culture, and amongst the many "social justice" warriors. These are the people we are resisting.

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) is now available for pre-order on Amazon with a "lowest price" guarantee. This book is receiving a lot of hype. Donald Trump, Jr. is talking it up on x (Twitter), and it has been discussed on a number of podcasts and video channels. From the Amazon write-up: "If you don’t understand communist revolutions, you aren’t ready for what’s coming. But this is not a book about ideology or politics. Unhumans reveals that communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not philosophies but tactics—tactics that are specifically designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property. These are the forces of unhumanity. This is what they do. Every. Single. Time. Unhumans steals their playbook, breaks apart their strategies piece by piece, and lays out the tactics of what it takes to fight back—and win, using real-world examples."

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Protecting Privacy In the Emerging Police State

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

We are living in an emerging Police State. Or Surveillance State if you prefer that term. Either way, our privacy and other rights are quickly going the way of the Dodo. And we are letting it. 

Privacy isn't a big deal according to many people today. Leftist's don't believe in privacy because it interferes with their desire to control others. Many "law and order" conservatives think anyone concerned about privacy "must have something to hide." Most millennials and Gen Z's , growing up with the Internet and its lack of privacy, are simply used to not having much privacy and just don't see what the big deal is. 

Yet, there are many reasons to be concerned with your privacy:
  • Identity theft in America is now more than a $20 billion dollars a year criminal industry.
  • Squatters and other criminals often scour social media and other sources looking for victims, determining work hours, vacations, and other times when their target will be away from home.
  • Politicians and bureaucrats can and do punish folks they disagree with, as the weaponization of the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, and other federal agencies prove.
  • It is now very PC for government and law enforcement to consider preppers, homesteaders, conservatives, Christians, Trump-supporters, parents who criticize schools, Catholics, pro-life folks, and many others as "dangerous" and "potential domestic terrorists."
  • Employers now routinely "spy" on employees and applicants through social media, affecting employment opportunities, and chances for promotions and raises. Some folks have lost their jobs over social media posts, or for having the "wrong" political or social opinions.  
  • Many schools now routinely "spy" on students through social media and other means.
  • Many teachers, schools, and school systems have been caught asking students inappropriate questions about the political, religious, and social views of their parents, the presence of guns in the home, parent's views on vaccinations, family finances, and other private matters. 
  • Self-important bureaucrats, nosy neighbors, intrusive landlords. tyrannical HOAs, community activists, and self-appointed social justice warriors all pose threats in today's world of censorship, doxing, and cancel culture.  

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies at many businesses also pose a real threat to anyone who doesn't hold politically correct views. Employees are being denied raises and promotions based not on their performance, but on their political and social views. Some are even losing their jobs. Job applicants are being denied, despite their qualifications. Small vendors are being forced to adopt the politically correct policies of their Big Business clients. Even customers are being denied products and services merely because the Big Business has become aware of their "non-acceptable" views. There are even cases of  banks closing the accounts of conservatives and others who don't tow the line of politically correct viewpoints. 

How To Guard Your Privacy

1) Identify what critical information you need to protect. What is critical information? Examples of critical information may include financial information, social security numbers, passwords and PINs, medical information, political and religious affiliations, memberships in certain organizations (NRA, GOA, prepper groups, etc.), medical conditions, vaccine status, gun ownership, presence of valuable items in the home (guns, gold, silver, cash, etc.), and purchases of large amounts of food and other supplies. Even your vacation plans may let bad guys find out when you are not going to be home. 

2) Next, make sure that everyone in your family/group understands what information to protect. Share this critical information on a "need to know basis" only. Even within your family/group, not everyone needs to know everything. This doesn't mean that you don't trust your family or group members. Rather, the less people that know something, the less chance of it accidentally being revealed. 

3) If you have children in your family, you need to talk to them about not sharing certain information with non-family members. Teach them to respond to questions about the family's finances, religion, politics, firearms in the home, parents' jab status or opinions on vaccines, by responding "I don't know," and "You'll have to ask Mommy or Daddy about that." 

This includes not answering these questions from teachers and other authority figures. "I don't know," and "You'll have to ask Mommy or Daddy" are perfectly valid answers for a child to give their teacher. Young children will need to be reminded of this often. Also, be careful about what information you share with and around your children, as they do have ears, and they do repeat things.

4) Public, and even private, conversations, can be overheard. Be aware of your surroundings and topics of conversations. Even off-hand remarks can reveal critical information. Make sure your conversations are really private before discussing critical information. Having a private conversation in a restaurant? Chances are your waitress and any nearby diners will hear at least parts of it. Having a private conversation in your backyard? The neighbor who just happens to be on the other side of that privacy fence probably can hear every word. 

5) Be aware how certain information may reveal other information. For example, that "First Baptist Church" bumper sticker reveals not only your church membership, but also tells the bad guys you're probably not at home on Sunday mornings. Think through what the bad guys may able able to deduce from seemingly innocent information you do give out. 

6) Shred or burn (instead of throwing away) all unneeded paper that may reveal critical information, including bills, shopping receipts, insurance papers, bank statements, tax records, pay stubs, ATM receipts  & other financial documents, pre-approved credit card & loan applications, prescription labels, expired passports & driver's licenses, among many others. This may also include any notes or lists you've made regarding your prepper or bug-out plans

7) Be careful of what trash & recyclables you leave at the curb. Even empty boxes may reveal to those nosy neighbors what, and how much, you are buying. Options to roadside recycling include taking the boxes to the recycling center yourself, or even burning them or using them in composting or sheet mulching. Remember to shred/burn critical papers.

8) Be cautious in your use of social media, email, text messaging, and the Internet. Realize that if you are emitting electronically, your use is being monitored, logged and stored. NEVER use electronics to commit illegal acts, make threats, or to stalk or harass others (you shouldn't be doing these things anyway). When surfing the Internet, avoid the "Red Light Districts" (adult sites, illicit drug sites, or other sites used for illegal/unethical activities), as visiting those sites greatly increases your chances for computer viruses, phishing attacks, ransomware, and attracting the attention of both the bad guys and law enforcement. 

9) Don't overshare on social media. Never share critical information on social media. Be aware of what information you might be unintentionally sharing. For example, that selfie you posted with your car's license plate clearly readable in the background. 

10) Use cash whenever possible. Cash (and barter) is the least traceable means of economic exchange, and the least likely to leave an electronic or paper trail leading back to you. 

11) Be mindful of how you use of affinity cards, as well as credit, debit, or checking cards, and even modern library cards, as they all collect and log data about you and your habits. This information may then be used by the company, shared with its vendors, sold to other companies, or stolen by company employees or outside hackers. It could also be obtained by the government (even without a warrant in many cases). 

*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Instagram (@DystopianSurv), and Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks). 
AD:  Total Resistance - The classic study on resistance & underground operations, by Swiss Major H. von Dach. Recommended by Pastor Joe Fox (aka Viking Preparedness). 

AD:  Resistance Operating Concept (ROC) - Another great resource for resistance & underground operations. Recommended by both Pastor Joe Fox (aka Viking Preparedness) and Bear of Bear Independent. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Why Trump Failed and How MAGA Might Win

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

I like Donald Trump. I admire his obvious patriotism. I appreciate that he kept most of his campaign promises (most politicians don't even try). I voted for in in 2016 and 2020, and I will vote for him in November. 

That said, I must admit that he ultimately failed in his efforts to drain the swamp and defeat the Deep State. It took a pandemic created by a bio-weapon, dangerously dishonest advice form Fauci, the CDC and the FDA, as well as a rigged election to do it, but the swamp eventually devoured Trump. (He will have second chance, and I am rooting for him.)

Why did Trump fail?

It turns out the Swamp is a lot bigger and deeper than anyone thought, and the snakes and gators of the Swamp are more corrupt and more willing lie, cheat, and steal than we realized. Those snakes and gators included many of the establishment GOP, as well as "experts" we thought we could trust because they were doctors and scientists. We found out that the Swamp exists everywhere, not just in DC. It is found in corporations, in social media, in school boards, in hospitals, in universities, in pop culture, in blue states and red states, and throughout America. 

Trump ultimately failed because two groups of Swamp denizens betrayed him - the GOP establishment and the medical and scientific advisors at the CDC, FDA, et. al. In fact, they didn't just betray Trump, they betrayed the American people. (Others also betrayed Trump, but these were the two groups who ended the Trump presidency.) 

The GOP establishment turned its back on Trump when he need them the most, refusing to investigate the obviously flawed 2020 election. Refusing to even acknowledge the massive of amount of evidence of fraud in places like Georgia. 

Trump's medical and science advisors provided bad advice and even engaged in lies, censorship, and intimidation in a coordinated effort to cover up what was really going on with Covid, creating the chaos which allowed the election to be stolen. Trump trusted these advisors because they were supposedly non-partisan "experts." But they proved to be snakes and gators instead. 

How MAGA (and Trump) might win: 

Unlike the Tea Party, which burned out too quickly, the MAGA movement shows no signs of fading. The movement is nine years old in June, remains highly enthused and energetic, and may yet re-elect Trump as President this November. 

But for the MAGA movement to ultimately win, it must do more than just re-elect Trump. MAGA has to be about more than just Trump.

To ultimately win, MAGA must:
  • Realize that we cannot place our trust in any one individual, not even Trump.
  • Realize we cannot place our trust in any political party, not even the GOP. It is no longer about republican vs democrat or conservative vs liberal, but rather good vs evil.
  • Realize that we can no longer trust government or the "experts" to do the right thing.
  • Realize that state elections are actually more important than national elections, and that local elections are the most important of all. 
  • Realize that we are not just fighting against democrats and liberals, or even the Deep State, but also against DEI, ESG, CRT, the WEF, WHO, the UN, the CCP, the LGBIQ+ agenda, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Blackrock, Google, the climate change "emergency," and globalism, among many other ideologies and groups. Folks, it is all tied in together.
  • Develop the leaders to come after Trump. (Tim Scott? Ron DeSantis? Vivek Ramasamy? Rand Paul? Tulsi Gabbard? Others?) And that is leaders with an s. It is dangerous for a movement to have just one main leader. We need many leaders. And each one of us needs to be a leader in our home and our community. 
  • Find a way around the mainstream media, academia, and pop culture so that we can drive the narrative.
  • Take control of our children's education, and our own education for that matter.
  • Build alternative systems to replace the old systems installed by the Elites for their own benefit. (Examples: alternate sources of news and information to replace the corporate media, homeschooling and private schooling to replace public schools.)
  • Think nationally, but act locally. MAGA must become a bottom up movement.
MAGA has to become about much more than just politics. If it does, MAGA might ultimately win, with or without Trump. 

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) is now available for pre-order on Amazon with a "lowest price" guarantee. This book is receiving a lot of hype. Donald Trump, Jr. is talking it up on x (Twitter), and it has been discussed on a number of podcasts and video channels. From the Amazon write-up: "If you don’t understand communist revolutions, you aren’t ready for what’s coming. But this is not a book about ideology or politics. Unhumans reveals that communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not philosophies but tactics—tactics that are specifically designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property. These are the forces of unhumanity. This is what they do. Every. Single. Time. Unhumans steals their playbook, breaks apart their strategies piece by piece, and lays out the tactics of what it takes to fight back—and win, using real-world examples." 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Why the Tea Party Movement Failed and Lessons Learned

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)
The Tea Party Movement, which began in the run-up to the 2008 election and gained steam during Obama's first term as President, was a peaceful grassroots movement comprised of tens-of-millions of people (in 2009, polls showed a 40%+ favorability rating with the general public) and perhaps thousands of independent groups and organizations. The primary concern was promoting fiscal responsibility and limited government, but it also touched on other themes such as patriotism and individual liberty. 

No one leader emerged. Groups and organizations were independent of each other. The movement was self-funding, with no single major source of money. It was a true grassroots movement. The main tactics of the Tea Party were holding peaceful rallies and protests, and contacting elected officials by phone, in person, and at town hall meetings.

Ultimately, the Tea Party Movement failed. The size and scope of government continued to increase, as did the national debt. Obama won re-election in 2012. Obamacare was passed. By 2016, the Tea Party Movement was essentially dead, with no rallies or protests being held, and most tea party groups having disappeared from the scene. Favorability ratings in the polls dropped by about 20 percentage points, while unfavourability ratings almost doubled. 

Why The Tea Party Failed

In my opinion, the Tea Party Movement faced three main obstacles:
  1. Open and intense hostility from the news media, leftist politicians, and others, making false allegations that Tea Party supporters were uneducated, racist, sexist, and violent, and that the movement was comprised almost entirely of angry white men. All these allegations were false, but was what the general public was fed on a daily basis. 
  2. A deeply entrenched system which benefited, and therefore was supported by, most politicians, career bureaucrats, corporate leaders, and lobbyists. (Trump would later name this system "The Swamp.")
  3. Politicians who were and remained out-of-touch with the general public, and who were more inclined to listen to pollsters, lobbyists, and deep pocket donors than to their constituents. This included a number of GOP politicians elected in 2010 and 2012 as "Tea Party Candidates" but quickly forgot their Tea Party roots after being sworn into office. 
Because of these obstacles, many Tea Party supporters became discouraged. There was also large amount of naïveté within the movement. Many supporters expected things to turn around quickly after a few rallies and some wins in the 2010 election, and simply gave up when they didn't.

Lessons Learned

Restoring the Republic will not be easy or quick. It took decades for the US to get into its current mess, and it will take decades to work our way out of it. Winning one or two elections will not be enough. This is a generational battle.

Public opinion matters. The Left's control of the news media, social media, pop culture, and academia allows them to control the narrative and to mold public opinion. We must break this control and drive the narrative ourselves. 

The system is much more entrenched then we realized, and most of the wealthy, powerful, and influential are determined to maintain it at all costs. We should expect lies, false accusations, and other dirty tactics (such as cancel culture,  the weaponization of government agencies, and the exercise of "lawfare"). Most importantly, we must be prepared to resist those dirty tactics. 

We cannot depend on politicians or elections to turn things around. We cannot depend on the GOP or even "conservative" politicians. This is no longer about Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, Left and Right. Those are false choices. It is about good and evil. Be on the side of good, not on a political side.

We the People must be the driving force behind restoring the Republic. 

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) is now available for pre-order on Amazon with a "lowest price" guarantee. This book is receiving a lot of hype. Donald Trump, Jr. is talking it up on x (Twitter), and it has been discussed on a number of podcasts and video channels. From the Amazon write-up: "If you don’t understand communist revolutions, you aren’t ready for what’s coming. But this is not a book about ideology or politics. Unhumans reveals that communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not philosophies but tactics—tactics that are specifically designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property. These are the forces of unhumanity. This is what they do. Every. Single. Time. Unhumans steals their playbook, breaks apart their strategies piece by piece, and lays out the tactics of what it takes to fight back—and win, using real-world examples."

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Resisting the Elites: Keeping Cash Alive - Why and How

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

Going to an all-digital economy, meaning a completely cashless, is a huge part of the "global reset" and a tool for the Elites to control the masses. 

There are two main reasons behind the push to eliminate cash: 1) using cash makes it harder for governments and corporations to track and control your behavior, and 2) the bankers can't make any money off of cash transactions and money that isn't deposited in their banks. 

Governments, banks, and large corporations would all greatly benefit from an all-digital economy. Regular folks and small businesses will be hurt by such a move. 

Those wanting to go cashless won't admit the two main reasons. Instead, they say it will control crime, prevent tax evasion, eliminate black markets, and help track terrorists. Folks who are opposed to a cashless society will be painted as old-fashioned and backwards at best, and as rightwing nutjobs and potential criminals or terrorists at worst.

Why Is Going Cashless a Bad Idea?
  • Loss of privacy, as government, banks, and corporations will be able to monitor and track every purchase and every deposit you make.
  • Government will know who is buying guns, ammo, body armor, and other survival/prepper supplies. Makes future confiscation easier.
  • Government know who is buying and stockpiling food. Makes future confiscation easier.
  • Forces all charitable donations, including religious tithes and donations, to go through the digital system, allowing government to track and even regulate such donations.
  • Weaponization of the IRS. Remember the IRS scandal where Tea Party and Conservative organizations were targeted? 
  • Moves us a large-step closer to a consolidated, one-world government.
  • Enables a vigorous social credit score system such as the one in China.
  • Forces individuals to be bank customers, even in a negative interest rate environment. 
  • Forces individuals who use cash envelope systems for budgeting and personal debt management to quit using those systems, and become bank customers instead.
  • Government will have the total ability to restrict your spending of your money. Possible examples: restricting meat purchases in the name of climate change, restricting medical services if you don't have the jab, restricting travel to fight climate change, or even "cancelling" you from your money if you post "misinformation" about stolen elections or make a "trans-phobic" claim that minors shouldn't have their genitals cut off. Starting to see the power grab, yet? 
  • No more cash-only side jobs. No more cash transactions at flea markets, yard sales, etc. 
  • No more cash for anything...
HOW TO resist the move to a cashless, digital economy

The best way to resist the move to a cashless, digital economy is by using cash whenever possible, and encouraging others to do so, too

Remind people, especially small business owners, that cash is much more dependable than electronic systems, and can be used when the Internet is down, when there is a power outage, when the card reader breaks down, and even when your smart phone's battery is dead. 

Remind people, especially small business owners, that cash doesn't have transaction fees. That's right! When cash is used, there are no bank fees! (No wonder the banks want to stop cash transactions.)

Remind people, especially small business owners, that customers paying in cash are supporting local businesses, rather than Big Banks and Big Corporations. 

Remind people that cash is the only true "private" transaction, and that digital transactions are monitored and tracked by the government, the banks, and large corporations. 

Remind people that cash is unhackable, and a cash transaction cannot lead to identity theft.

Complain loudly whenever you encounter a business that doesn't accept cash, and refuse to do business there. (My local Walmart grocery store experimented with not having cashiers in the early morning hours, instead having self-check out lanes that only took cards. People complained, and the experiment only lasted a couple of weeks). 

Going 100% cash-only all the time is not possible for most people, but we can and should go cash-only when it is possible to do so. 

Clean water is key to long-term survival!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Resisting The Elites: Become much more self-reliant.

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

This is the second article in the Resisting the Elites series. Click here to read the first article.

Be able to think for yourself, and do for yourself, as much as possible. The more self-reliant you and your family are, the less you will be affected by what is coming, and the more you'll be able to resist. Do everything you can to build as much self-reliance as you can while there is still time. 

Thinking for yourself means uncluttering your mind of all the rubbish coming out of the mainstream media, pop culture, and academia. Stop blindly trusting "experts." Turn off mainstream media and the late-night comedians. Tune out much of the current pop culture. Explore the alt-media, but don't just blindly accept what their pushing either. Read a variety of sources, investigate for yourself, and think for yourself. Ask yourself questions: Does this really make sense? Is it logical? Does it fit what I already know to be true? Does it give facts that I can check, or is it just speculation? 

Self-reliance is also being able to do for yourself. Take responsibility for your own life. Don't sit around waiting for others, or the government, to do things for you. Get informed. Make your own decisions. Learn skills. Gain experience. Do things. 

Seven Facets of Self-Reliance

1- Assume responsibility for your own life. Don't wait around for others to take care of you. Take care of yourself without waiting for the government or anyone else to do it for you. Also, don't sit around whining that life is unfair, or that others have it so much better than you. Instead, get off your a** and do something about it. You are in charge of your life, so act like it.

2- Take the blame for your own life. Don't scapegoat others. Don't "pass the buck." If you are blaming someone else, you are not being self-reliant. Even when things happen that seem beyond your control - such as being robbed, being laid-off, or even getting cancer - you are still in control of how you react to those things.

3- Be informed. It is your responsibility to find out the facts and information you need to make informed decisions. Keep up with current events, especially on the local level. Keep up with the trends in your industry. Know where to get information. Ask questions. Be a lifelong learner. Remember the acronym ASK - Always Seek Knowledge.

4- Know where your going. Know what you want in life. What are your goals? What is your purpose? What do you hope to accomplish? Don't just drift through life. Think. Know yourself. Plan ahead.

5- Make your own decisions. Don't let others run your life for you - and that especially includes the government. Don't worry about what others think of you. Don't worry about being politically correct or socially acceptable. Don't give in to peer pressure. Don't just "go along to get along." Be informed of the issues, and decide for yourself. Be independent.

6- Learn skills. The more skills you have, the more self-reliant you can be. And by skills, I don't just mean various homesteading, bushcraft, and country skills so popular with most preppers, but other skills as well, including mechanical skills, computer skills, negotiating skills, business skills, financial skills, budgeting skills, leadership skills, networking skills...

7- Gain experience. Experience gives you wisdom. Knowledge learned from books, classrooms, and videos, is often theoretical. Theoretical knowledge may turn out to be wrong, incomplete, or impractical. Skills can be learned under perfect conditions. But real life tends to be messy, not perfect. Your skills may be challenged by difficult conditions or a lack of resources. Nothing beats actual real world experience. Find ways to gain that experience.

On my Dystopian Survival website, there are over 550 free articles on self-reliance, personal finance, health & fitness, first aid, gardening, safety & security, homesteading, general preparedness, and other modern survival topics. Please check it out. 

The single most important thing you can do to survive any future chaos is to start taking responsibility for your own life now. This is self-reliance.


Ad: Get Prepared Now!: Why A Great Crisis Is Coming & How You Can Survive It
, by Michael Snyder and Barbara Fix. This book emphasizes preparing for an economic collapse, which in my opinion will be a major part of what we experience. Topics include looming economic collapse, pandemics, drought and increasing weather-related disasters, food shortages, our extremely vulnerable power grid and supply chain, civil unrest, and practical steps for storing food and supplies that you will need.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Rogue Prosecutors and the Rise of Crime

Credit Line: "Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College." 

This article is from the March 2024 issue of Imprimis. Get your FREE print subscription to Imprimis now! (click link to go to the Imprimis subscription webpage).

Rogue Prosecutors and the Rise of Crime

Cully Stimson
The Heritage Foundation

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on March 11, 2024, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C. campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

The writers of our Constitution placed their faith not in specific guarantees of rights—those came later—but in a system of checks on government power. Foremost is the separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government, as well as between the federal government and the states. For this system to work as designed, people in each branch of the federal government and in the state governments must do their jobs and stay in their respective lanes.

But what happens when district attorneys—members of their states’ executive branches—refuse to execute the laws of the land? We are witnessing the results today in blue cities across America.

Approximately 90 percent of criminal cases in the U.S. are handled by the 2,300 elected district attorneys spread across 3,143 counties. The rest are prosecuted by U.S. attorneys operating under the Department of Justice. Until recently, elected county district attorneys upheld their end of the social contract by firmly and fairly enforcing state criminal laws and protecting citizens’ rights. Regardless of party affiliation, these gatekeepers of the criminal justice system did their job. Over the last 30 years, they played a critical role in driving down crime rates, which peaked in 1992, by prosecuting violent criminals, while at the same time creating thousands of alternatives to incarceration, such as drug courts, domestic violence courts, mental health courts, and other highly successful programs.

That changed in 2015 with the launching of the George Soros-funded “progressive prosecutor” movement. This movement is animated by two beliefs. The first is that the entire criminal justice system is systemically racist. The second is that the only way to fix the system is to dismantle it by replacing law-and-order district attorneys with pro-criminal and anti-police district attorneys. The sick irony of this movement is that in the areas where it has prevailed, the most harm has been done to the racial minorities whose interests it purports to represent.

Origins of the Movement 

The progressive prosecutor movement—more accurately called the rogue prosecutor movement—is the predictable outgrowth of efforts by earlier Marxist radicals to alter or destroy the American way of life. At its root is the belief that our country and its institutions, including capitalism, are racist. One of the early leaders of the movement to abolish prisons is the infamous Angela Davis, now in her 80s, who in her 2003 book, Are Prisons Obsolete?, equated prisons to modern-day slavery. “The prison,” she wrote, “has become a black hole into which the detritus of contemporary capitalism is deposited”; throwing people into prison, she continued, “relieves us of the responsibility of seriously engaging with the problems of our society, especially those produced by racism and, increasingly, global capitalism.”

Patrisse Kahn-Cullors and Alicia Garza (a.k.a. Alicia Schwartz), co-founders of Black Lives Matter, have also had an enormous influence. Cullors, a militant radical and convicted felon, is a protégé of the director of the Labor Community Strategy Center, whose purpose is to build an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist united front. Garza said at an international gathering of Marxists in 2015: “It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it’s under capitalism. And it’s not possible to abolish capitalism without a struggle against national oppression and gender oppression.” During a 2017 PBS interview, Garza heaped praise on Angela Davis for her work exposing the “carceral state”—i.e., a state in which people are incarcerated in prisons—and called for its dismantling.

The involvement in this movement of billionaire George Soros, who had been funding liberal causes for years, can be traced to his hiring of attorney Whitney Tymas in 2015. Tymas, who had worked as a public defender and prosecutor, was connected to the Vera Institute of Justice, where she focused on “the role of prosecutors in perpetuating racial disparity.” There she met the ACLU’s Chloe Cockburn, who was working to end “mass incarceration,” and they discussed the role of prosecutors, the low visibility of elections for county district attorneys, and the fact that most people don’t even know who their local D.A. is.

As opponents of the death penalty, Tymas and Cockburn hatched a plan to elect anti-death penalty prosecutors and persuaded Soros to give over $1 million to groups that were successful in electing such district attorneys in Louisiana and Mississippi. Eventually, that modest aim—to unseat pro-death penalty prosecutors—grew into a national movement with a more ambitious goal. Emily Bazelon, New York Times Magazine staff writer and Soros media fellow, summed up the goal in terms of “mak[ing] the system operate differently” by electing “prosecutors who will open the locks” of prisons. Rachel Barkow, a law professor and former member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission who supports the rogue prosecutor movement, summed up its goal as follows: “to reverse-engineer and dismantle the criminal justice infrastructure.”

This well-funded and organized movement is not about liberal versus conservative, Democrat versus Republican, or black versus white. It is about power.

From the start, the movement focused on the fact that prosecutors, not police, are the gatekeepers of the criminal justice system. District attorneys decide whether to file charges and which charges to file. By replacing traditional prosecutors with attorneys who see defendants as victims, it would be possible to “reverse-engineer” and “dismantle” the existing criminal justice system.

It is no coincidence that Soros, the various political action committees that he controls or funds, and his wealthy far-Left allies have given huge financial support to rogue prosecutor candidates in deep blue cities. They target these cities because their electorates are not paying close attention to down-ballot races and can be misled through a bombardment of often misleading advertisements.

Over the past decade, Soros has spent more than $40 million on campaigns to elect rogue prosecutors. One group has estimated that he has donated as much as $1 billion to the cause, if policy infrastructure, media relations, sponsored academic and think tank papers, lobbying campaigns, and grassroots organizing are taken into account. Other billionaires, like Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna, and Patty Quillin, the wife of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, have also generously contributed to the cause.

The Playbook 

One of the hallmarks of the rogue prosecutor movement has been its usurpation of the constitutional role of state legislatures. Once elected, rogue prosecutors refuse to prosecute entire categories of crimes that are on the books in their states, justifying their refusal by claiming “prosecutorial discretion.” But in fact, their refusal to prosecute crimes violates the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government and distorts the entire legal system.

Prosecutorial discretion is not limitless. The principle behind it requires the enforcement of laws except in cases when prosecutors believe in good faith that an applicable law is unconstitutional. It does not give prosecutors the power to redefine crime and punishment. By refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, they are in effect repealing criminal statutes—acting in place of the legislature. This is prosecutorial nullification, not discretion.

Valid prosecutorial discretion takes many forms, but when we allow for the chronic violation of law, we erode the foundation of our cities and civilization—and respect for the rule of law evaporates.

Today, there more than 70 rogue prosecutors across the country. They represent more than 72 million people, or one in five Americans, and they proudly refuse to prosecute most misdemeanors, claiming that these are essentially harmless “quality of life” crimes that divert scarce resources. To take one example, Rachael Rollins, the former district attorney of Suffolk County (Boston), posted a list of 15 misdemeanors her office would not prosecute, including trespassing, shoplifting, larceny under $250, disturbing the peace, receiving stolen property, operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked license, wanton or malicious destruction of property, and possession with intent to distribute illegal drugs.

Other rogue prosecutors have followed suit. George Gascon, the district attorney of Los Angeles County, issued a written directive to his 1,000 prosecutors detailing the 13 misdemeanors that “shall be declined or dismissed before arraignment and without conditions” unless certain exceptions or other “factors” exist. In the same directive, he said it is not “an exhaustive list,” and that each prosecutor has the discretion to decline any of the hundreds of other misdemeanors in the California penal code that fall within the “spirit” of his directive.

Two weeks into the job, Kim Foxx of Chicago, the first big city Soros-funded rogue prosecutor, unilaterally raised the bar for prosecuting felony shoplifting from $300 per incident to $1,000 per incident, essentially declaring open season on retail stores. Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, San Francisco’s former district attorney Chesa Boudin, New York City’s Alvin Bragg, and others have acted similarly, contributing to the tsunami of shoplifting and organized theft from retail stores and pharmacies to national chains and family-run stores. Not surprisingly, many stores in these cities have closed.

Krasner was elected to office in Philadelphia in 2018 with the help of $1.7 million from Soros-funded groups. He celebrated on election night by calling himself a “public defender with power.” The first day in office he fired 31 experienced violent crimes prosecutors, referring to them as “ticks.” This is common practice among the rogue prosecutors, who replace career prosecutors with public defenders or law students who sympathize with defendants and view the police suspiciously.

In addition to not prosecuting misdemeanors, rogue prosecutors often reduce felonies to misdemeanors and limit the number of charges a prosecutor can bring in a case to one, even though a suspect may have committed multiple offenses. One of Gascon’s most controversial directives in Los Angeles prohibits prosecutors from adding sentencing enhancements or allegations that would support such enhancements to an indictment—even though in some circumstances, California law requires prosecutors to do so. Prosecutors working in Gascon’s office cannot allege any three- or five-year priors, add gang enhancements, file three-strikes allegations, or allege special circumstances that would result in a sentence of life without parole or the death penalty.

In many cities, young gang recruits commit violent felonies to prove their “street cred.” Yet most rogue prosecutors refuse to prosecute violent teenagers as adults, instead sending them to juvenile court, where the worst punishment they can get is juvenile detention until they turn 21.

One of the most pernicious policies to come out of the rogue prosecutor movement is the refusal to ask for cash bail, which represents a guarantee by a defendant (or by a person acting on behalf of a defendant) that the defendant will show up for trial. The amount required for bail varies by jurisdiction and by crime. Those who cannot afford to post bail remain in custody pending trial. But district attorneys including Foxx, Gascon, and Boudin have directed their prosecutors not to ask for cash bail in many cases. And they do not seem bothered by the fact that this has led to additional crimes, including murder.

Predictable Results 

Crime rates have exploded in the cities that have elected rogue prosecutors.

In the five years before 2018, when Larry Krasner was elected in Philadelphia, there was an average of 271 homicides per year. Since 2018, there has been an average of 457 per year—of which 83 percent of the victims were black. Non-fatal shootings have risen from an average of 1,047 per year to 1,588 per year; aggravated assault while armed with a handgun went from 2,209 per year to 3,116 per year; retail thefts went from 7,412 per year to 9,084 per year; and auto theft went from 5,691 to 8,665 per year.

In Chicago, in the six years before Kim Foxx became state’s attorney for Cook County in 2017, there was an average of 510 homicides per year. That number rose to 660 in her first year, and through 2022 it averaged 666 per year—with over 75 percent of the victims being black.

To put this carnage into perspective, between 2003 and 2010, there were 3,481 Americans killed in action in Iraq, an average of 435 per year. In the war in Afghanistan, between 2001 and 2014, there were 1,833 Americans killed in action, an average of 141 per year. Chicago’s annual murder rate dwarfs these figures. It is not an exaggeration to say that parts of Chicago, on any given weekend, have become domestic war zones.


Although the rogue prosecutor movement is incredibly well funded, it is showing signs of electoral vulnerability. Voters in blue cities who were initially persuaded to vote for “reform minded” candidates who talked about “reimagining” the criminal justice system and eliminating so-called mass incarceration, are increasingly coming to their senses given the harsh reality of rising crime rates.

Voters in Baltimore and San Francisco have ousted rogue prosecutors Marilyn Mosby and Chesa Boudin, respectively. Ethically challenged rogue prosecutors Kim Gardner of St. Louis and Rachael Rollins of Boston have had to resign from their posts. George Gascon has barely survived two recall petitions in Los Angeles and most recently received only 25 percent of the primary vote in a field of eleven candidates.

The lesson for voters across America is to pay close attention to “low visibility” local races—such as district attorney races, which directly impact public safety—to protect their communities against the kind of devastation we see in so many of America’s once great cities.

Resisting The Elites: Get out of their system and build self-reliance.

By Tim Gamble 
Join the Resistance! Subscribe by email (click this link)

There are forces at work in our world which are trying to fundamentally change human civilization. Not for the betterment of humanity, despite their claims, but rather for their own benefit. These forces are known by many names, but I generally call them the Elites. (For more on who these forces are, read my article Who, What Are We Resisting?)

The more we are part of their system, the more control they have over us, and the less ability we have to resist their plans. Many of us are already afraid to speak out. We are afraid of being labeled as racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise a "hater." Cancel culture means we face the possible consequences such as losing not only our social media accounts, but also our jobs, our businesses, or even our friends and family. Political correctness isn't about wanting people to be nice or polite to each other, it is about intimidation. Wokeness isn't about social or environmental "justice" but rather is a bullying tactic the Left uses to get their way: Do what we say to do. Think the way we tell you to think. Or we will destroy you.   

How do we get out of their system? Getting entirely out of their system will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. But we can extricate ourselves from much of their system, if we are willing to do the hard work and make sacrifices to do so. I've written about this before, but here is a recap:
  • Homeschooling is better than parochial & private schools is better than public schools. 
  • Working for yourself is better than working for a small business is better than working for a large corporation or the government.
  • Owning out-right is better than paying a mortgage is better than renting.
  • A credit union is better than a small regional bank is better than a big national bank. 
  • Paying cash is better than a debit card is better than a credit card.
  • Going all cash & barter is best of all, but probably impossible in practical terms.
  • Taking care of your health is better than needing a hospital.
  • Entertaining ourselves (reading, family game night, hosting a bar-b-que, going bowling, going fishing, etc.) is better than relying on TV, the movies, and pop culture.
  • Living in a small rural community or small town is better than living in a small city is better than living in a mega-city.
And the list could go on and on. Its not easy getting out of the system, and may be impossible to do so completely, but shed yourself of as much of the system as you can. 

*** This is part 1 of the Resisting the Elites series. Part 2 should post Sunday. 
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