
Sunday, February 18, 2024

UK: Nearly a Quarter of 18 to 34 Year Olds Believe the Bible Should Be Banned

By Tim Gamble

02/18/2024 UK – Last week, International Christian Concern (ICC) reported on a study in the United Kingdom showing that nearly a quarter of young Brits are open to banning the Bible, because it contains perceived hate speech.

Whitestone Insights, a UK-based polling group, surveyed over 2,000 adults, asking if they agreed with the following statement: “Unless the offending parts can be edited out, books containing what some perceive as hate speech should be banned from general sale, including if necessary religious texts such as the Bible.

Whitestone found that young Brits, ages 18 to 34, were most likely to agree with this statement, amounting to 23% of participants. Middle-aged Brits, ages 35 to 54, were the second highest group at 17%, followed by Brits over age 55 at 13%.

The results tell of a deeper social belief in the UK that Christian views should be censored – and it is a belief that has plagued all of Europe.

Last year, an American street preacher was arrested in England for preaching the Bible. A woman was also arrested for silently praying outside of an abortion clinic – and in neighboring Finland, Paivi Räsänen, a member of the Finish parliament, faced charges of hate speech after sharing her religious beliefs on social media.

These cases, along with the recent poll, are a concerning reminder of the declining state of religious freedom occurring in Western democracies around the world.

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