Thursday, April 20, 2023

R-01 Who, What Are We Resisting?

Resistance 01

By Tim Gamble
Please subscribe by email (click this link), and find me on Gab (@TimGamble) and Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks

Resistance. It is the new focus of this website. But who or what are we resisting? 

There are forces at work in our world which are trying to fundamentally change human civilization. Not for the betterment of humanity, despite their claims, but rather for their own benefit. 

"They" are known by many names: the elites, the monetary elite, the power elite, the globalists, the ruling class, the 1%, the 2%, and so forth. I will generally refer to them as either the elites, or the power elites. But the name doesn't really matter. What matters is their goals, and how close they are to achieving those goals.

The elites want to destroy America and Western Civilization to create their version of utopia (for them). They believe Western Civilization and culture is bad, that America in particular is evil, and that traditional Biblical values and ethics are too restricting (for them). They hate free market capitalism, even though they have greatly benefited from it. They look down on the lower and working classes with great disdain (we are uneducated, unsophisticated, vulgar...).   

The elites want to create a world with no borders (for them), where they are basically global citizens unrestricted by normal laws and ethics. They desire a large underclass (they need workers), only a very small middle class (they do need a few working professionals), and an upper class made up of themselves and their fellow elites. An elite class who, by virtue of their obvious superiority, have absolute control over the lesser classes. 

Over the decades, the elites have already done great damage to traditional Western Civilization. The introduction of centralized banking & fiat currency is one example. Destroying traditional Western education is another. Current attempts to restrict Free Speech and Free Press (in the guise of stopping "misinformation" or protecting "vulnerable" groups) comes straight out of the elites desire to control the lesser classes, as does their desires to eliminate the Second Amendment, and to greatly restrict parental rights. Their antagonism to traditional ideas of religion, patriotism, nationality, gender roles, sexuality, and marriage is very much a part of their attempts to overcome traditional Western Civilization.

The Deep State, made up of powerful bureaucrats and career politicians, along with their corporate allies, have sold out to and work for the Elites, as have the mainstream media and academia at at levels. They also find themselves in much ideological agreement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and greatly admire the CCP's near absolute control over the Chinese people, both in China and abroad. 

The following is how I described the elites in an article published in January, 2023 (link to full article):

Who are the Power Elite? In short, they are the "bad guys." They are the ones trying to control the masses for their own profit and power. 

Power Elite is a term first used in the 1950s by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills to describe a loose-knit group of government, military, and corporate leaders who are the center of wealth and power in the USA, and therefore tend to dominate American political policies. 

Over the decades, the USA Power Elite have increasingly cooperated with the Power Elite from other Western Nations to push a globalist, technocratic agenda. Since at least the 1990s, China has used their money and access to their vast markets to exert influence over the Power Elite, a situation made even easier by the Power Elites' admiration for the Chinese system of highly centralized, authoritarian control. The type of control they want to implement in the USA and throughout the world. 

The Power Elite are fractionally a very small segment of the population, yet they control a vast amount of wealth and power. And they have many "useful tools" on their side in academia, the media, union leadership, throughout pop culture, and amongst the many "social justice" warriors. 

This should give you are good idea of who and what we are resisting. I will be going into more details, including naming specific names, in future articles. I will also spend much time giving specific ideas on how we can resist. Please subscribe by email (click this link) so you won't miss any of those articles. 

Ad:  The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, by Patrick M. Wood. Technocracy wants to rule the earth in a panopticon of scientific dictatorship. Transhumanists want to live forever and become omniscient. Both are mechanistic systems that see nature as something to be studied, manipulated and conquered. Both see themselves as the new intelligent designers of the world, including humans. Both seek to craft a future for planet earth that nobody asked for, voted for or wanted. Technocracy transforms the structure and economic system of the world, while Transhumanism transforms the people who live there.

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