Friday, March 24, 2023

A Healing Prayer for America

By Tim Gamble

A Healing Prayer for America

Our Father in Heaven, have mercy upon these United States of America. Blot out our transgressions, cleanse us of our sins. We acknowledge our transgressions, our many sins against You: We have allowed our God-given liberties to be taken away by our politicians and leaders. We have allowed Your Word and commandments to be banned from our public squares. We have allowed prayer to be eliminated from our schools. We have allowed Your place in our nation’s history to be erased from our textbooks and our minds. We have allowed the epidemics of abortion, pornography, and sexual immorality of all types to fester out of control. We have allowed perversion, decadence, and depravity of all sorts to become public, commonplace, and even celebrated. 

As a nation, we have replaced the authority and perfection of Your Word and Your Law with the whim of our own opinions for our standards of right and wrong. We no longer keep Your commandments, or follow Your teachings.

We confess these and all our sins to You and ask forgiveness for ourselves and our nation. We acknowledge that we are unworthy of forgiveness on our own merits, therefore we put our trust in Messiah for our forgiveness.

Father, we realize that admitting our sins and asking for forgiveness must also be accompanied by true repentance – actually turning away from our sins, our Lawlessness, and turning towards You and Your Law. We ask that you write your commandments upon our hearts, and enable us, broken as we are, to follow them. Forgive us when we stumble, and help us to our feet once again, so that we can walk in Your ways.

Father, we confess Your authority over every aspect of our lives and our nation. Help us to follow You once again. Restore Your mercy and blessings to these United States of America, and re-establish a hedge of protection around us. In Yeshua's name we ask these things, Amen.

Ad: The Scriptures - This new English translation includes Genesis through Revelation, and restores the Name of our Creator to the text in each place it occurs. This new version in English is a literal translation by Institute for Scripture Research, overseen by Dr. Chris Koster. New in this 2009 edition: Improvements to the text - seeking a yet closer equivalent to the literal meaning of the original language. Quotations / Allusions from the Old Testament are in bold type in the New Testament, and are accompanied by the text references - aiding your understanding of the original contexts, and how they influence the writers drawing upon them.

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Why The "Green Economy" Is Suicide for the USA and Europe

By Tim Gamble

The push is on to develop the so-called Green Economy of alternative energy, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, and low carbon emissions. This new economy is supposed to stop climate change, be much more environmentally friendly, solve resource scarcity, and be generally "fairer" to all peoples. Of course, the reality is that the green economy is a naïve and idealistic dream that will accomplish none of these things. In this article, I want to look at one (of many) particular reason the green economy is not a good idea, and in fact is the equivalent of national suicide for the USA and European nations: Rare Earth Metals. 

What are Rare Earth Metals

Rare Earth Metals, also called rare earth elements, are a set of 17 soft heavy metals with many applications in electronics, lasers, magnets and magnetic materials, certain engine types, batteries, and other industrial uses. Rare Earth Metals are especially critical to the green economy, alternative energy, and electrical vehicles. Experts agree that the need for Rare Earth Metals will skyrocket as we transition to the Green Economy. However, mining for Rare Earth Metals is extremely destructive to the environment, and many are toxic. Not exactly "environmentally friendly." 

But the real danger of Rare Earth Metals to the USA and Europe is not really their environmental problems, but rather their location. Take a gander at this chart:

World's Estimated Reserves of Rare Earth Metals:
  1. China - 44 Million Metric Tons
  2. Vietnam - 22 Million Metric Tons
  3. Russia - 21 Million Metric Tons
  4. Brazil - 21 Million Metric Tons
  5. India - 6.9 Million Metric Tons
By contrast, the United States only has an estimated 2.3 million metric tons of Rare Earth Metals. All the countries of Europe combined have less than 1.5 million metric tons, and that includes the large deposit discovered in Sweden's artic region earlier this year.


Notice something about where the world's reserves of rare earth metals are located? BRICS nations hold by far the largest reserves of Rare Earth Metals. For those who don't know, BRICS is an acronym for an association of developing nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, with Saudi Arabia and the UAE currently in the process of joining) that stand as an economic rival the the US and Europe. BRICS recently called for replacing the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. 

China and Russia are no friends to the US or Europe. China, which holds more than 1/3 of the world's estimated 120 million metric tons of rare earth metals, has been engaging in a Cold War against the US and the West for a couple of decades now, although we stupidly pretend it isn't. Russia is currently engaged in an actual hot war in Europe. Brazil has drifted closer to Russia since last year's (stolen) election. India has not cooperated with Western sanctions against Russia, and has long been in a closer relationship with Russia than the West. Even the non-BRICS nation of Vietnam is not overly-friendly with the US or Europe. 

The new Green Economy is weakening the US and Europe, and strengthening our enemies, all while failing to achieve its goals. Yet, the powers-that-be seem hell-bent on forcing the transition, no matter what. It is, simply put, national suicide. 

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Geopolitics: Understanding Chaostan

By Tim Gamble

Mental models are the way we understand the world; the system by which we think. Mental models are important in any decision making process because they are what we base our judgment on - the better the mental models we use, the better our decision making will be. 
Military strategist John Boyd explained the importance of mental models by teaching that in any conflict it is not the one with the most information that wins, but rather it is the one with the best understanding of the information they have, that wins.

Geopolitical Model: Chaostan

Chaostan is the geopolitical theory (mental model) by economist and historian Richard J. Maybury, which postulates that a large portion of the world is "the land of Chaos."  This land is made up of regions and countries with a long history of political and economic instability, little personal or economic freedom, and no experience with common (natural) law. These areas are often tribal, with people more loyal to ancient ethnic lines and religious sects than to their modern nation-states.

According to Maybury, Chaostan consists of about 100 nations, including most of the nations of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Maps and a full list of the nations considered by Maybury to make up Chaostan can be found on the Chaostan website.

Chaostan covers about one-third of the world’s land surface. It contains a disproportionate amount of the world’s natural resources, including at least 80% of the world’s oil supply and 50% of the world’s coal supplies. Chaostan also has a majority of the world's supply of rare earth metals, so important to modern technology and alternative energy sectors (the so-called "green economy"). It also has huge amounts of natural gas, gold, silver, platinum, copper, tin, iron, zinc, timber and grain. These are the basic raw materials upon which industrialized civilization rests, giving Chaostan an inordinate amount of influence over Western economies.

It would be thought that a part of the world with such abundance of natural resources would be very wealthy. This is not the case. Although the ruling classes in these regions often have immense wealth, the common folks tend to be among the poorest in the world. In part, this is due to a lack of education, but mostly it has to do with the lack of concepts such as economic liberty and personal property rights.

In contrast to Chaostan, Maybury lists what he considers the “Lands of Liberty.” These are nations where a tradition of liberty has been established – the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, the UK, Ireland and most of Western Europe. In these areas, economic liberty and personal property rights are well-established, and the citizens are more loyal to their nation-states than to tribal, ethnic or religious groups. Peace and prosperity (at least domestically), rather than chaos, are the hallmarks of these countries.

Some areas, such as Central and South America, exist somewhere between Chaostan and the Lands of Liberty. Only time will tell what direction these regions take.

It is also worth noting that the Lands of Liberty share a common heritage of Judeo-Christian values and worldview, whereas Chaostan is dominated by Islam (a perversion of the Abrahamic faiths) and other pagan religions.

How can the Chaostan model help in understanding world events? 

There is a vast difference between the worldviews and values of the Lands of Liberty and those of Chaostan that often make it difficult for the two civilizations to understand and interact with each other. Likewise, the disparity of wealth between the Lands of Liberty and Chaostan cause a certain amount of misunderstanding and mistrust between the two. The people of Chaostan often have negative feelings towards the West, including jealousy and anger. The people of the Lands of Liberty often look down on those of Chaostan as being backwards and even dangerous.

It is a mistake for the West to pretend that these differences don't exist, or worse, that the two civilizations are morally equal. They are not. Western civilization (the Lands of Liberty), though not perfect, is demonstrably the superior civilization. The domestic peace and economic success of the West, along with its far superior record regarding basic human rights, relative to the lack of these in Chaostan, is proof of the better system. 

The West does have the superior civilization, but does not have the right to impose its system on Chaostan through force. Nation building will never work in Chaostan because its people lack the necessary foundations for modern peaceful and stable nation-states. Simply put, they don't think the same way we do. Therefore, it is foolish to think we can forcibly squeeze them into a Western mold.

However, the West has the right and duty to protect itself from the very real threats posed by Chaostan. This includes controlling immigration (even "refugees") from Chaostan, and  insisting that immigrants, students, and temporary workers from Choastan adapt to the Western system while in the West. 

This means zero-tolerance for Sharia law and other forms of religious and cultural "accommodation" that are contrary to the Western system. 

This may also mean stopping countries like North Korea and Iran from developing nuclear programs because they lack the needed foundations to be responsible and peaceful nation-states. They will use their nuclear programs in an aggressive fashion because they know no other way.   

With such a large difference in worldviews, beliefs, values, and experiences, shouldn't the Lands of Liberty simply stop dealing with Chaostan? Nice idea, but it wouldn't work. The industrialized nations of the West need access to the immense natural resources of Chaostan. 
Chaostan needs the West as customers for those resources. Chaostan also needs access to Western technology, medicine, and education. 

Like it or not, we need each other. Besides, the genie is already out of the lamp, so to speak, as the Lands of Liberty have foolishly allowed  many millions of immigrants and refugees from Chaostan into our countries without insisting on full assimilation into our culture. 

There is a war of civilizations going on between the two sides. Virtually every hot spot and potential flashpoint in the world is explained by this model. The war, violence and poverty in Chaostan is mostly due to the lack of personal and economic liberty, including the lack of private property rights, as well as tribal & sectarian divisions. The inability & unwillingness of Chaostan immigrants and refuges to assimilate into Western culture is likewise explained.

Ultimate Reason We Should Care

Chaostan, with its war, violence and poverty, stands as a warning to the Lands of Liberty should we ever reject the concepts of personal and economic liberty, and our common Judeo-Christian heritage. Chaostan is our future should we continue down the path of collectivism, rejecting free markets and private property rights in favor of socialism, and rejecting personal and religious freedom in favor of imposing wokeness and political correctness. It may already be too late to stop the Western decent into chaos.  

***** I want to give Richard J. Maybury full credit for his concept of Chaostan. The middle section of this article is my summary of Mr. Maybury's geopolitical theory, as best as I understand it. For more details, please visit his website.

Mr. Maybury is also the author of a great set of educational books on economics, law, history, and personal finance, called the "Uncle Eric Books." I strongly recommend these easy-to-read, highly informative books. Here are two of my favorites:

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?  A Fast, Clear, and Fun Explanation of the Economics You Need For Success in Your Career, Business, and Investments

Whatever Happened to Justice?  Explains what's gone wrong with America's legal system and economy and how to fix it.

A Short History of Slavery

Great video by Candace Owens and Prager U. Slavery didn’t start in 1492 when Columbus came to the New World. And it didn’t start in 1619 when the first slaves landed in Jamestown. It’s not a white phenomenon. The real story of slavery is long and complex, as this video explains:


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