Monday, February 27, 2023

The Origins and Dangers of Corporate Wokeism in America

Vivek Ramaswamy explains the origins and dangers of corporate wokeism in America in the following video he made for Hillsdale College last year. This information is very important to understand if we are to resist the elites pushing this garbage. Please take the time to watch this video. Thank you.

Vivek Ramaswamy is the author of Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam and Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence


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Sunday, February 26, 2023

The BEST Way To Protect the Second Amendment Into The Future

By Tim Gamble

Earlier this month, I published an article on the Dystopian Survival website listing seven ways to defend the Second Amendment, with a total of 23 action steps you can take (article link). One of those ways is the one way I think is the best and most effective way to protect the Second Amendment way into the future. I want to present that way here in an attempt to encourage others to take this step:

7) Men, Take Your Women Shooting

Men, take your wives and girlfriends shooting. The more women who get into hunting and other shooting sports, the more secure the Second Amendment will be in the future.

Think about it. Wherever Mothers go, there go their children. The more that children are exposed to responsible gun ownership, and the safe and fun use of guns, the less fearful they will be of guns, despite the anti-gun indoctrination in our schools.

The long-term future of the Second Amendment is being determined in the fight for the hearts and minds of children. The anti-gun activists know that the more fearful children are of guns while they are young, the more fearful they will be when they grow up. Then those fearful future adults - who will be voters, politicians, judges, bureaucrats, school administrators, teachers, and in other positions of influence - will be easier to convince to do away with the Second Amendment and accept complete gun confiscation (the ultimate goal of gun control).

Action Steps:

A) Men, Take Your Women Shooting. The best and easiest way to stop the intentional spread of the fear of guns into children is to get their mothers into guns. Take your wife or girlfriend to the shooting range. Take them hunting. Get them into guns. And the message will seep down to their children.


I'm not a woman, but I do have some commonsense suggestions for how to get your wife or girlfriend into shooting: 
  • Be patient. 
  • Make it fun. 
  • Don't be a jerk, talk down to her, or make it into some macho thing. 
  • The purpose is to get her into shooting, not to show off your skills or to impress her with your manliness.
  • Don't take over and try to make decisions for her. 
  • Let other people help - you're probably the wrong person to teach her how to shoot, no matter how good you are. 
  • Take a class together. 
  • Don't "take her" shooting or hunting, instead go shooting or hunting together (an important difference, especially to a woman). 
  • Let her progress at her own pace.
I would love to get suggestions from women on how to get women into shooting sports. Please leave suggestions in the comments section below.  

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cold War With China - Which Side Are American Elites On?

By Tim Gamble

The China Spy Balloon was finally shot down Saturday (Feb. 4) off the coast of South Carolina. It is interesting to note that the balloon was shot down only after it had completely traversed the entire US and presumably finished its spy mission.  Why the China Spy Balloon was allowed to finish its spy mission remains a total mystery... Or does it?

There is an undeniable state of Cold War between China and the US, and China seems determined to march to a full-blown hot war over Taiwan (as well as the Senkaku Islands of Japan, among other claims by China over islands and territories of other nations). 

I say an undeniable Cold War, but actually many people deny this fact. Listening to FOX Business this week, I heard many interviews with wealthy businessmen, corporate big-wigs, and other "experts" - all lamenting the China Spy Balloon out of one side of their mouth, while out of the other side of their mouth denying the existence of any cold war with China or any possibility of a future hot war. They all gave versions of the same reason: that there is simply too much money to be made between the world's two largest economies for an actual war to break out. In other words, they all are on the take from China, directly (bribes, donations, funding, the buying of Hunter Biden's artwork) or indirectly (access to China's vast markets and the promise of massive profits to be made). They are literally selling out America, and don't care about any potential threats.

Of course, the fact that many politicians, bureaucrats, environmental activists, mainstream journalists, college professors, and other leftists, openly admire China's highly centralized, authoritarian control over the people, also goes a long way to convincing those folks to turn a blind eye to the dangers of communist China.  

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer wrote a book about these traitors that was published just last year. In it, Schweizer "exposes the large number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony. Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes—all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment." (book title and link to its Amazon page is in the suggested readings list below).

Most American Elites have sold out to China, for money and/or ideology. In the current Cold War with China, and in any future hot war, they have already chosen China's side. 

A Suggested Readings List


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