Monday, March 28, 2022

Thoughts on the Russia - Ukraine War

By Tim Gamble

3-28-2022 -  I know people in my personal life who immigrated to the USA from Ukraine. Likewise, I know people in my personal life who immigrated to the USA from Russia. I have a good friend who is Russian and still lives in Russia (he is ex- Russian military). I also know a couple of folks (not as well) who live in Odessa, Ukraine. 

Needless to say, I have heard from all sides in the current Russia-Ukraine War, and have even had "reports on the ground" from inside both Ukraine and Russia as to what is actually happening. Comparing what I am being told to what is being reported in the media is sickening. The amount of bad information, misinformation, and out-right propaganda is staggering. My opinion of Western media, never high, has sunk to all-time lows. 

War is horrible. War terrible. But those words aren't sufficient to describe war. What is worse is that war is always hardest on the innocents - the common folk who were just trying to live their lives before their "leaders" took actions and made decisions that destroyed their world. 

I take no sides in this war. It is a European war, and one of a long cycle of wars in this region. My opinion is that the USA has "no dog in this fight," so let the Europeans fight it out. The more the USA interferes, the greater the chances this escalates into World War III. If it does, the suffering to the entire world will be greater than anyone can imagine.

Knowing the history of the region, and the politics of this particular conflict, I will say that neither side is completely right, or completely wrong. We Americans like things to be "black and white," therefore easy to understand. We want the Good Guys and the Bad Guys to be obvious and unambiguous, so we can root for Team Good Guys. But in this conflict, the truth is very ambiguous - open to many interpretations. Another reason to stay out of this war, in my opinion. 

The leaders on both sides are to blame, not the people. Pray for peace. Pray for a quick end to this conflict. Pray for the people - both Ukrainian and Russian - who are caught in the middle of a war they didn't start. 


Join the Resistance, Subscribe to Tim Gamble by clicking here and by following me on social media (see list near top of right-hand column of this website).  

Monday, March 7, 2022

Spotting Antifa, FBI, and Other Infiltrators At Patriot Rallies and Protests

By Tim Gamble

As various protests and trucker convoys continue around the country, this bit of good advice is circulating around Gettr (follow me: @TimGamble), Gab (follow me: @TimGamble), and other conservative-friendly social media platforms: 

Protesting Patriots Show Their Faces

We have plenty of proof from the Tea Party Movement of a decade ago, to the more recent Trump rallies, to the Jan. 6, 2021 events, that the "other side" is more than willing to infiltrate conservative protests to spy, to instigate, and even to attempt false flag moments in order to disrupt and discredit conservative movements. Remember all those racist signs at Tea Party protests that the media showed over and over again? Every single one of them was later proven to be made and held by Democrats or other leftist operatives pretending to be Tea Party members. Similar things were happening at the Canadian trucker protests last month, and will happen at future protests. 

True patriots exercising their constitutional rights to Free Speech and Free Assembly have no reason to hide their faces. Peaceful, non-violent protests are a 100% legal and morally acceptable way to raise awareness of issues and attempt to influence the political process. This is accepted by the media, politicians, and law enforcement when it is the Left protesting (even when those protests do include looting, rioting, and burning entire blocks). But whenever the Right does it (without the looting, rioting, and burning), protests are suddenly unacceptable and must be stopped at all costs - even if it means instigating or even creating the excuses to shut down right-wing protests. 

Here are a few quick tips to spotting a potential infiltrator:
  • The unknown person who shows up at the protest unannounced, acting as if they are everyone's best friend and a long-standing supporter of the group/movement. Yet no one knows them.
  • The unknown person who wears a facemask, won't show any ID, and obviously is trying to avoid having their picture taken.
  • The person who says all the right things to make it seem they are part of the group, but also seems to be trying hard to "push the buttons" of the group or individuals to get other people to do or say something racist or violent. 
  • The person that shows up with a sign that is racist or threatening violence, or that is otherwise off-message for the protest. 
  • The person who tries to get the group to suddenly change plans and to do something or go somewhere that had not already planned. Stick to your preplanned agenda. 
  • The person who gets overly-emotional or uses over-the-top rhetoric, especially if they seem to be trying to get others to follow their lead. 
  • The person who advocates violence or illegal activity. 
What to do if you think someone is an infiltrator? First, peacefully confront them about their behavior, signs, language, etc. Ask them to remove their facemask. Ask them to identify themselves. Notify protest leaders and organizers of a potential problem. Let other protestors know of the potential infiltrator. Take photos of them, especially ones without their face hidden. Take videos of their actions. Denounce them, their language, and their actions. 

Most importantly, don't let them influence the group. Stick to your pre-planned activities. Don't go along with their ideas or theatrics. 

Join the Resistance, Subscribe to Tim Gamble by clicking here and by following me on social media (see list near top of right-hand column of this website).