
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Google Censors America's Frontline Doctors

By Tim Gamble

Google has decided to remove the website of America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) from its search results, according to a Twitter post made on Saturday by Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors. Her initial post on the subject read:
WOW: @Google sent notice stating they will be removing the America’s Frontline Doctors website from search results. 

We are a team of medical doctors who dared to speak the truth. 

And we have been proven right, again and again, and again.

In a follow-up post, Dr. Gold went on to state:
This is how they censor and silence (bully and threaten) anyone who refuses to parrot their corporate narrative.

They will lie about you and manipulate data just to shut you down. That’s how scared Big Pharma is of being exposed. 

Google should be ashamed—and held accountable.
The notice from Google, received yesterday, did not state when the website would be removed from Goggle search results, just that it will be. As of 10AM this morning, the website was still available through Google search. 

Google's notice cited their medical content policy that does not allow websites with any content "that contradicts or runs contrary to scientific or medical consensus."  The notice did not say how Google determines scientific or medical consensus, nor did it acknowledge that the AFLDS website is founded and maintained by medical doctors. 

America's Frontline Doctor's (website: or alternately: ) is a medical civil rights organization for the expressed purpose of providing "medical and legal resources to defend your freedom." It was founded by and is comprised of a team of medical doctors. 

When I posted on Gettr (follow me: ) and Gab (follow me: ) about Google's censorship action against AFLDS, the story immediately drew much interest, with over 350 interactions (likes, reposts, comments) and counting. All of the comments were supportive of AFLDS, and many users suggested alternatives to Google search that do not practice political censorship. 

The delisting of AFLDS from Google search is only the latest in a long line of decisions by Google punishing through censorship websites and individuals who hold views contrary those held by Google.

Suggested alternatives to Google search:
Many commentors also suggest using the Brave browser as a good alternative to Google Chrome. I personally use Brave as my main Browser, and Brave search as my main search engine. I also occasionally use Qwant and DuckDuckGo. 

Join the Resistance, Subscribe to Tim Gamble by clicking here and by following me on social media (see list near top of right-hand column of this website).  


  1. I can still find this in google results.

    1. Yes. As discussed in the article, this was a notice that they will remove (not have removed) AFLDS from Google search results. No exact date for this action was given in the notice by Google. It is also possible - I have no inside information - that AFLDS may be appealing Google's decision or even pursuing legal action, which may delay Google's implementation of their threat against AFLDS. Let us hope Google does not get away with this censorship.


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