Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Pakistan: Christian Family Attacked by Muslim Mob of Two Dozen

The following is an unedited press release from International Christian Concern (ICC). Please check out their website at www.persecution.org for more on the persecution and genocide of Christians around the world.

Christian Family in Pakistan Attacked for Unblocking a Sewer Drain

03/12/2021 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Last month, a Christian family in Pakistan was brutally attacked by a mob of Muslims after they unblocked a sewer drain coming from their home. Local police have taken no action against the attackers, leaving the Christian family feeling unsafe and marginalized.

On February 14, Munir Masih and his family were attacked by a mob of their Muslim neighbors in Jindry village, a neighborhood in Lahore. According to Masih, the mob was led by Ashraf Alamgeer and wielded axes, sticks, and stones.

Masih told International Christian Concern (ICC) that the attack happened after his family unblocked a sewer drain from their home. The drain was blocked by Alamgeer because he viewed the Christian family as “untouchable” and did not want the family’s waste water to flow by his house.

On February 14, a mob of more than two dozen men, led by Alamgeer, attacked Masih’s home. They threw bricks and stones at the house and broke down the iron gate. Once inside, the mob thrashed everyone within, including men, women, and children.

Reporting the incident to ICC, Masih shared that this is the second time his family has been attacked in the last two months. On January 1, the family was attacked by their Muslim neighbors as they left home to participate in a New Year’s Day prayer service.

Following the February attack, Masih reported the incident to police.

“I submitted an application to the Superintendent of Police on February 19,” Masih told ICC. “No action has been taking against the attackers till today.”

Masih also submitted an application to the Prime Minister’s online compliant system. This application has also yielded no positive results.

“I am a Christian, therefor I am not heard by any department of the government,” Masih explained. “I feel insecure when I go out because the Muslim families carry guns with them. I want to life for my family, but at the same time I want equal rights for my people.”

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