Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why It Is Important To Understand Christian Persecution

On this website, as you may have noticed, I often highlight stories of Christian persecution around the world. There are several reasons emphasize these stories. The first reason is make apparent to all how dangerous it actually is to be a Christian in this world.

Christians in America generally have a false impression that Christianity is safe, and many believe that by being Christian we will be spared any real suffering. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, various New Testament passages show Jesus warning His followers of future persecution, which we must endure. 

Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved." -- Matthew 10:21,22 (NKJV)

And, yes, that includes His followers here in America. We will not be spared difficulties, hard times, or even active persecutions. In fact, it is un-Biblical to think we will be spared. 

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." -- 2 Timothy 3:12 (ESV)

A second reason I highlight these stories is that persecution against Christians around the world is largely ignored by the mainstream corporate media, because the two main culprits - Muslims & Communists - are protected classes within Leftist ideology, whereas Christians are generally considered the bad guys for promoting traditional values and ideas of right and wrong. 

A third reason is that, as America increasingly tilts to the Left in terms of culture and politics, persecution against Christians will increase sharply in America. Just look at the eagerness with which certain Governors in the US have used the Covid 19 pandemic to shut down Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, while allowing businesses like abortion clinics and liquor stores to remain open. 

Communist governments, and all other Leftist and collectivist regimes, demand that the citizen's top loyalty be to the State, not to God, the Church, or even the family. The State essentially sets itself up as God, and hates competition for that slot.

Finally, I want to show that Islam and Sharia Law are utterly incompatible with Christianity and Western civilization, and represent a clear and present danger to our way of life. It may be politically incorrect to say so, but there is a clash of civilizations ongoing between traditional Western civilization and Islamic civilization. The two civilizations are very different - with different beliefs, values, and worldviews.

In 2021, I will continue to highlight stories of Christian persecution on this website. 


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Ad:  The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, by Robert Spencer - It is taken for granted, even among many Washington policymakers, that Islam is a fundamentally peaceful religion and that Islamic jihad terrorism is something relatively new, a product of the economic and political ferment of the twentieth century. But in The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, Islamic scholar Robert Spencer proves definitively that Islamic terror is as old as Islam itself, as old as Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who said “I have been made victorious through terror.”

Spencer briskly traces the 1,400-year war of Islamic jihadis against the rest of the world, detailing the jihad against Europe, including the 700-year struggle to conquer Constantinople; the jihad in Spain, where non-Muslims fought for another 700 years to get the jihadi invaders out of the country; and the jihad against India, where Muslim warriors and conquerors wrought unparalleled and unfathomable devastation in the name of their religion.

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