
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thailand: Muslim Terrorists Injure 25 in Gernade, Car-Bomb Attack

By Timothy Gamble

3-17-2020 -  Early this morning in Yala, Muslim terrorists lobbed a grenade at an office building. The terrorists waited ten minutes
until police and rescue personal arrived on the scene, then detonated a car bomb. Twenty-five people were injured in the attack, including five police officers. No fatalities are being reported at this time. 

Thailand is a heavily Buddhist nation (94%), but Islam is the largest minority religion (4%), mostly in the southern Thai region which includes the provinces of Yala, Songkhla, Pattani, and Narathiwat. Muslim extremists have long-demanded autonomy from the Thai government, and terror attacks have become common over the last two decades. Since 2004, over 6,500 people have been killed and at least 12,000 injured in the violence.
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