
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Brutal murder by hammer of a Canadian woman named Atrocity of the Week

By Timothy Gamble

3-5-2020 - Religion of Peace, a website that monitors and tracks terrorism and violence committed worldwide in the name of Islam, has named the brutal murder of a Canadian woman with a hammer by an Islamic man as the Atrocity of the Week. Police in Toronto are saying the man was motivated by “terrorist reasons.”

Hang-Kam Annie Chui (Toronto Police Handout)
The victim, identified as 64-year-old Hang-Kam Annie Chui, was bludgeoned to death with a hammer by Saad Akhtar, 30, while she was walking near her home. The attack on Chui appears to be random. Saad Akhtar later turned himself in to police.

Akhtar left a note pinned to Chui's body claiming he committed the murder for Islamic religious reasons, according to police. Officials are pursuing terror and murder charges against Akhtar.

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