
Friday, February 14, 2020

Boko Haram's Burning Alive of 30 Villagers Named "Atrocity of the Week"

By Timothy Gamble

2-14-2020 - Religion of Peace, a website that monitors and tracks terrorism and violence committed worldwide in the name of Islam, has named the February 9 attack by Boko Haram in Auno, Nigeria as the "Atrocity of the Week." The attack, in which 30 people were burned alive, took place on a village caravan on its way to sell fresh produce and other goods at markets in Nigeria's capital city of Abuja. In addition to the deaths, about 18 women and children were kidnapped by the Islamic militants. 

Boko Haram is a Muslim militant organization based in northern Nigeria, but also active in several other west African nations. The group's stated mission is to bring about the full implementation of Sharia Law in Africa.  In the Hausa dialect, the name Boko Haram literally means "Western education is forbidden."

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