
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Kenya: New al-Shabaab Terror Attack Kills Four

By Timothy Gamble

1-7-2020 - Multiple sources are reporting that four civilians were shot to death by the Islamic terror group al-Shabaab earlier this morning. The attack focused on a telecommunications facility owned by Safaricom, One of those killed was a child.

Kenyan police officers killed two of the terrorists and recovered their rifles and bomb-making materials. An unknown number of al-Shabaab members managed to flee the scene.

This attack appears to be part of a recent surge in al-Shabaab terror attacks, including an attack on a joint U.S.-Kenyan military base on Sunday, January 5, that left 3 Americans dead. Al-Shabaab has also committed a number of recent attacks on buses, in which they stop the buses, separate the passengers by religion, then kill the Christians.

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