
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Egypt: Police Refuse to Investigate Kidnapping of Christian Woman Who Remains Missing

The following  unedited press release from International Christian Concern highlights a very real and growing problem throughout Egypt, Turkey, and all Muslim-majority countries around the world. Christian and other religious minorities face open discrimination from police and local authorities. Crimes reported by Christians, in this case a kidnapping of a woman and death threats against her children, are simply ignored by authorities just because the victims are Christian. -- Tim Gamble

Christian Woman Disappears Lower Egypt

05/30/2019 Egypt (International Christian Concern) – A Christian wife and mother of three has disappeared near Cairo after the family says Islamists kidnapped her off the streets. The family asserts that they have received threatening messages saying that they will force her to convert to Islam and if she refuses, then one of her sons will be killed. They attempted to make a report to the police, who refused to accept the case saying the woman left her home of her own free will.

The kidnapping of Christian women is common place in Egypt, particularly in Upper Egypt, where most Christians live. Islamic extremists, in some cases with the knowledge or aid of the police, kidnap the women so that they are forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man. The families are often left with no clear knowledge of what happened to their wife, daughter, or sister.

However, the issue can become more complicated. Sometimes, Christian women will voluntarily leave home, convert to Islam, and marry a Muslim man. In these cases, it is common for the families to claim that she was forced to leave as the incident is viewed as a public shame. In these cases, the police are limited in their response.

It is unclear what happened in this particular instance. However, many Christians in this neighborhood believe that the police are actively engaged in Islamic extremists. Whether the woman left of her own accord or was forced by extremists under the police’s eye is still under investigation.

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