
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sri Lanka: Christian Churches Target of Easter Sunday Terror Bombings

Over 200 Dead and Over 500 Injured

BREAKING NEWS (updated as of 4:30pm EST)
  • At least three churches rocked by at least eight explosions during Easter services
  • Current reports say 207 dead, over 500 injured
  • Nearby hotels and apartments also targeted
  • At least five Britons (two with dual US citizenship) are among the dead
  • "Several" Americans were killed, according to US State Department
  • Attacks carried out by suicide bombers and others
  • Seven Thirteen arrests have been made so far
  • One of the leaders behind these bombings has been identified as Muslim Imam Moulvi Zahran Hashim
  • Highly likely that bombers are affiliated with ISIS, which has been active in Sri Lanka in recent years. 
  • A six-foot PVC pipe bomb has now been found at the airport in Colombo and has been safely disposed of
  • Sri Lanka imposes curfew and social media ban "to prevent spread of misinformation." 
Updates will be made to this article as additional news becomes available.

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